About Said What

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Said What was started in early 2002. We have always been fascinated by quotations, and hence Said What was born to share our favourite selection with the internet audience. Initially we focussed on celebrity quotations, filling a void that existed at the time, but over time and with the help of you, the reader, we have greatly expanded our selection and now the majority of famous individuals from past and present have an entry on Said What.

Quotations reveal the quite differing thoughts of individuals on a whole range of subjects. They can be thought-provoking, inspirational, consolatory, funny, controversial and hence evoke a wide range of distinct emotions. A good quotation can act like a good piece of music and completely change our mood. We hope you enjoy browsing the quotations on our site, and the various other elements: the collection of proverbs, similes, slogans, mottos, articles and fun elements such as our quotation quiz.

Technically, Said What has undergone three different identities. At inception, the site worked purely off files, written and accessed through PHP scripts. This was fine initially, but as the site grew this got less and less easy to manage. Therefore the second face of Said What was born in 2003.

This involved a migration of all the data from separate files to one database, containing all quotes and lyrics and "your quotes" - quotes by you, the reader, and also a re-designed site.

Finally, at the start of 2004, the database was split into separate sections to allow it to become more customised to the disparate audiences for each section of quotes. The site is currently owned and operated by Know The Web Ltd.,

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