Big Brother 5 Quotes

Quote of the Day

Quotes by Nadia

'I love this country.'

'I feel bad now, Shell just asked me if I can have children or not. I will have to invent a story but I do not want to lie.'

'It is really pissing me off not having any cigarettes.'

'I have never been in love.'

'It ok!'

'Here have a cigerete'

'I'm not even hangry'

'(when she failed the spelling test on BALLOON).. we don't have f***ing double L's and double O's in Portuguese, .... f***ing double LL's, its not fair ''

'Dan, What is a mole mean? (elongate the word mole)'

'To Dan: do you have a strap on?'

'Get me out of here...I will not have any fun if I dont have my 'cig-rits'.'

'(Upon hearing Ahmeds' 'It's a sunny day') No... is Mondaaay!'

'(Watching a footballer get sent off) Has that player been evicted?'

'Nadia: 'I'm so angry, I'm fuming. I'm FUMIGATING'

'Thank you big brother'

'On having no cigarettes: 'They want me to have a panic attack and make myself go GREEN!''

'(when arguing with jason) - Did you just call me a little bas**** just now nadia? (Gets up in his face) *shouts* WATCHA GONNA DOOOOOO ? X6.'

'Marco: 'Would you ever like to be a man for the day?' Nadia: 'No! I'm too feminine!''

'(To Jason) 'You're the most boring man i've ever met!''

'(referring to the lack of cigarettes) I wonder how far it is to the nearest tesco from here'

'This isn't a quote but i live on the same road as the bb house is (oh how lucky? lol) anyway, in the quote where Nadia asks where the nearest tesco's is?... There's a tesco next to the house!!! You can see the house from the tesco carpark. BYE!'

'My boobs are so big and real'

''I'm so fat i look like a whale!!!!''

'I'm A gayboy!'

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