Big Brother 5 Quotes

Quote of the Day

Quotes by Stuart

'I got 4 A's in my A-levels and came top in the Christmas exams.'

'What we could do is go and tell Big Brother our nominations now. That way we've done what we want to but without breaking the rules.'

''Dreams are roads to the inner consciousness''

'What does warm milk smell like when it's ok?''

'I really like Michelle but I'm not sure.'

'I like the way Michelle calls everybody chicken.'

''I like how she (michelle) scrunches up her nose and calls everyone chicken.''

'' .... errrrhm........ errrhhm .... its like... ...dunno ''

'Look me in the eyes and say that. (When Stu and Michelle they were both wedged into the Diary Room in their sumo suits and it was patently impossible for either of them to move an inch and certainly not turn round to look at each other!)'

'I now know. I'm either staying or I'm going.'

'Michelle 'What are you thinkin, chick?' Stu 'I was thinkin i wonder what Michelle's thinkin!''

'Why in cinderalla when she left the ball and everything changed back didnt the shoe she dropped just dissapear?'


'Like er coooooooool.......'

'That's SOOOO amazing!'


'Dont hate appreciate'


'Books are good - it's like a magazine but it lasts longer.'

'Stu on eviction day: 'I'm either staying or going tonight'.'

''I really like Michelle but I'm not sure.''

''So what did you learn in your degree, Stuart?' 'Erm... like... lots of stuff''

'Big Brother: 'In which sport does Jimmy 'the Whirlwind' White play?' Stuart: 'errrrm....Boxing?''

'Theres no beef man,ive just got no beef with n e 1!!!'

'It's jonny horizontal man'

'It feels like my emotions have just been kneaded'

'I've only got eyes for one Michelle'

'I want my Michelle'

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