Big Brother 5 Quotes

Quote of the Day

Quotes by Victor

'I am a born leader.'

'I am not afraid of anyone - I have no need to be.'

'Man I know what ma DNA stands for - Dis Negro is Attractive aiiiiight'

'Damn, I look fine on that photo!'

'Playing BB5 is like making love to a beautiful woman . . . warm it up, you know what I'm sayin', get her enjoying herself, keepin' it real . . . then go straight for the full penetration.'

'I know all the guys like me, for sure. It's the ladies I have to get in with. You know what I'm sayin' - it's like, sometimes I can be a bit intimidating. But it's like, there are many sides to Victor.'

'My mates at home, they call me The Slick. You know wha'I'm saying.'

''most men dont mind good looking lesbians''

'On describing Nadia: 'Hackjaw Jim Duggan, you know wot I'm sayin', Mrs Jimmy Hill''

'Nadia AKA mrs chin... she could sink the titanic with that chin'

'(about kitten) 'She's about as stable as Rick Wallor jumping up on down on a 3 legged table''

'I'm the dirtiest player in the game'

'(on emma) 'she wouldn't talk to me like that in the street because she know she'd get hotted up. just like i hotted her up just now.''

'Dan is the second cleverest person in here. I'm the cleverest. He's gotta fu*k off now.'

'Strategically, with Marco's hareem blown apart, I gotta pick off the next biggest threat.'

'Vanessa is good eye candy, but I prefer m'African woman with somethin' to get hold of, y'all know what I'm saying?'

'(on Emma) her time would be better spent having 4 years learning the alphabet. She's the stupidest person I've ever met.'

'To be the man you got to beat the man. And I am the man'

'My friends they call me the slick. But when I'm around the laydeez, I'm the milkman cos I always deliver. Or the plumber, cos I lay pipe.'

'(on the subject of being a woman)'man, I think I'd be a fucking lesbian''

'I gotta pick em off 1 by 1'

''if you left i would be quel suprised.'victor 'what does that mean?' michelle 'it means i would be very surprised.'victor'

'(ahmed tells everyone to nominate him)'That's put a spanner in the works!''

'[When Emma & Michele were in the Bed-sit and torturing Victor with cold showers] 'TURN THE HOT WATER BACK ON, BB ! ....... I already got the 'sniffles' ''

'' Dan sits on more fences than Worzel Gummage ''

'' everyone here gos 'DOO-LALLY' everytime Ahmed says something ''

'' stop pussy footing around ''

'' MARCO, ain't you got no self respect MAN ' [ when Marco heard his nomination and acted like a baby ]'

'' in medieval times I would have been called Sir hump-a-lot ''

'' those guys (harem) are f***ing in love with each other, its nuts MAN,... licking Nadia's arse ''

'' you remind me of a parking ticket...... cos you got FINE written all over you ''

'' I always wear a hat .... in bed too ' [ i.e safe sex ]'

'' .. bang some chics,.... bang some more ... then bang again, cos I'm the SLICK ''

'(in the Diary Room talking about Dan) 'he has sat on more fences than Worzel Gummidge''

'' mum said you don't leave your door if you don't look clean ''

'' I have been known as the Robert Kilroy Silk of International diplomacy ''

'' keep the past where it belongs ''

'[when BB replaced Victor's eviction suit after Michele burnt it accidently] ' I'm touched BB, not many people do things like that for me, thanks ''

'[chatting with Jason after Ahmed's eviction ] ' we are not part of the get-a-long gang ''

'' put it this way ...... I can take any of these guys down ''

'' I'm gonna MIX it this week ...... I'm gonna be mega honest, this is the week where a few cards get laid down ''

'' she maybe TRAP-JAW yeah,... but you gotta take your hat off to her, the way she's turned it around ' [re: Nadia's come back after Marco's exit]'

'I'm gonna alpha male 'em all to death !'

''I've shown some f***ing character in here''

'' big Dan wants to pork you, he wants your bum bum mate' [talking to Jason]'

''I'll kick ur arse and take ur name''

''I'm the loveable rogue u love to hate''

''the ghetto VIP''

''life inside the bubble''

''I'd like a big family one day, everyone running around me, ... an all that''

''he's over-analytical' [about Dan]'

'I'm the thug you love to hate, Slick V.I.C, the ghetto V.I.P, mess around with me, I leave you R.I.P. For shizzle my nizzle'

'Shut your mouth, rest your gums, hold your corner, I own you bi-atch. That kinda shizzle'

'Slick V.I.C, the ghetto V.I.P'

'Gay is the new black'

''Dan's held more butts than a night club ashtray''

''Dan could put colonic irrigation centers out of business forever''

''Nadia aka the jaw that sunk the Titanic''

''Nadia calling everyon chick, its getting on my f***ing nerves man, chick this, chic that, chick peas, ... feel like I'm locked in ol McDonald's farm, .......its Noah's Ark ..... f***ing chick-mania''

''if there's no Nicotine about Nadia turns into a demon''

''the Slick man, ..... number six in da house, ..... number one in ur hearts''

'I'm the thug you love to hate, Slick VIC ... mess around with me, I leave you RIP.... and can we have two loaves of bread and some milk please?'

'That's me, the Slick. Rapper slash part time hit man'

'After Jason, I think Nadia should win because she's got balls!'

'Im the slick man rapper slash part time hitman'

'You can see two things on the moon, the great wall of china and nadia's jaw line Victor'

'F*** off Dan, you gay b******!'

''Shall I Take The Leafs Off The Vines,What Am I F**king Tarzan, Am I Jungle Jim' (about lack of toiletpaper)'

'I've already got the sniffles!'

'The world is not right. Bryan McFadden's left Westlife - it's going to take me ages to get over that.'

'(After arguing with Shell) 'I feel like I've just run over my kitten with my bike''

''I was just sittin' there doin' me paintin' d'yaknowwhati'msayin?''

'I like cheese'

'What the fuk man u dont walk into a gangsta wen he is on da toilet'

''when the grass is cut, the snakes will show...!''

''(about Nadia) She's about as sexy as a dead rat's anus''

'I'm gonna take these suckas down'

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