Big Brother 6 Quotes

Quote of the Day

Quotes by Craig

'I hate sausages, they're such bitches.'

'At the end of the day...'

'I love Lesley, she's so nice and honest and friendly.'

'I can't believe people think I'm gay.'

'I've always got on better with women than men.'

'Saskia told me what the ghetto was earlier. I thought it was a country.'

'''If anyone says anything nasty about Vanessa then they'll have me to answer to.'' ''God, Vaneesa's such a bitch, she's not even sorry for what she did and because of her everyone is up for eviction!'''

''Gay clubs are a bit too touchy, feely for my liking!''

''Cut your crap, with doing your rap!' (Craig 's come back from an aguement with Science)'

'''This is it now. They'll be circling like hyenas, waiting to pick us off one by one.'' (to Anthony on the demise of Team Saskia)'

'Anney i luv u'

'I am a bitch (talking to lesley)'

'(to anthony) I've got more balls than you have'

''I am his best friend.' (to the housemates about Anthony.)'

'People used to laugh at me at school because of my voice - can you imagine that?'

'My life has been hell, I have had to face rejection.'

'How dare you say I want to win because I want to win [To Anthony]'

'I want to win because it will feel like for the first time in my life, Craig has been accepted for who he is. [Too late Craig, Nadia played that card last year]'

''i want to win(to anthony)' [who eva sed tht about nadia tht is exactly wot i thought wen i heard him say tht]'

''I refuse to diminish my character''

'Whatever, wannabe, loser, jealous, you know it! Sex-u-al'

'To anthony.......'look at me! anthony! look at me! i am craig! i am your best friend....anthony....i am your best friend within this house...anthony are you alright?!''

''I can't leave him' (Refering to Anthony in the diary room)'

'Fortune favours the bold'

''Anthony loves me really''

'Oh athoney i love u sooooooo much'

'Anhoney ur my best m8 ever!!!!! and ill see ya soon'

'You have just revelaed your arrogance (to Science)'

'You know what I mean?'

'In answer to Derek and Kemal's quiz question, 'What is the national dish of Switzerland?' Craig Coates replied: 'Goulash... I know it is because I've been there a few times and had it!''

'Not sure how accurate this is but i certainly remember it :D To Anthony: 'Anthony, I love you and you're my best mate, ok?' Anthony immediately spits vomit into a bowl! :D ha ha ha! Good times!'

''anthony wont you dance we love your body oh Anthony' (craig singing his song he made up with kemaL)'

'Craig 'how could you even think about going near Kemal' Anthony 'me and maxwell would do anything for booze eh maxwell?' Maxwell'anything but that ' Craig'see told you ' Anthony: 'can I have some of your drink' Craig 'no go kiss kemal if thats what you want but your the one who is gonna look like a idiot'

'Craig to a very drunk anthony on pool night just before he got even more drunk and went into the pool with makosi Craig 'did you really want me to take your shirt off Anthony 'no shut up man' craig frowns Craig 'im your mate please dont think I do things to get enjoyment out of it' (lol yup craig keep telling yourself that )'

'I am anthony's best friend in this house (yeah, craig sounds although he is trying to make himself feel better when anthony rejects him)'

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