Big Brother 6 Quotes

Quote of the Day

Quotes by Derek

'A real man is one who does the dishes.'

'It's a family value that one always retains one's dignity, no matter how bad things get.'

'Oh gosh, Big Brother has no sense of decorum at all.'

'There is beauty in your eyes, Science.'

''GROW UP!!!''

''Don't say you can go now. Where shall we go?''

'No Roberto Let him cook the chicken like the peasent he is. (about Science)'

'Science is the first black man I've met who makes me want to join the BNP... tomorrow.'

'All the housemates are so ugly.'

'Roberto is the best sort of friend - we can be candid with each other.'

'If all the Dukes of England are out there waiting for me, tell them I'll be out shortly [to Roberto on Roberto's eviction]'

''well i don't barge into other conversations , and i would be grateful if you didn't barge into mine!!''

'Of course shes not hurt its not like shes biten by a lion!'

''She said that she'd never eaten a parsnip before!''

''Science is so typically black, I mean, he finds it hard to kiss another black man?''

'''You must learn to listen!'''

'The man's personal hygene is repellent. (On Science)'

''The arrogance knows no bound.' (On Science)'

'Q: What is the name of John Wayne's famous horse? A: Hi ho!'

'(to eugene) 'there all gastly!!''


'I feel like Churchill.'


'I feel for england'

'They're all ghastly people.'

''This is NOT a beer garden!''

'The one man has a bigger ego than the 221 memebers of parliament in the house fo commons. (about science)'

'About Kemal: 'There's more mince in that walk than there is in the freezer!''

''well you see she's the silent assasin' (Derek taking to roberto and craig about Saskia and craig agreeing only to suck up to her a little while later when saskia found out about it''

'Do not touch me if i do not wish to be touched! (to science, when he was repeatedly touching derek)'

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