Big Brother 6 Quotes

Quote of the Day

Quotes by Science

'You could hula-hoop through a Cheerio [to the emaciated Kemal]'

'D'ya get me?'

'I'm not gonna be intimidated by you Roberto, cos I'm not intimidated by you, Roberto. D'ya get me?'

'I'll say what I like. Cos it's free speech innit. D'ya get me?'

'I'm from the ghetto. D'ya get me?'

'I'm not a violent person. I didn't mean to throw the bin at Maxwell. It slipped out my hands. D'ya get me?'

'When I don't eat I get grumpy. D'ya get me?'

'If I want to cook a chicken, I'll cook a chjicken d'ya get me!'

'I don't eat chickens arse cos it's not good for ya. D'ya get me?'

'Tweedle dumb, tweedle dee and tweedle twat [to Anthony, Maxwell and Craig]'

'Innit? u get meh?'

''I'm from the ghetto.''

'Kill all the white men! dya get me.'

'He's a carebear gone wrong [on Craig]'

'Science speaks from the heart. D'ya get me?'

'I've slaved after everyone in here for six weeks, d'ya get me?'

'Turkey mince i said turkey mince d'ya get me?'

'My names not Derek yeah!'

'Is it coz I is black?'

'You're not having a bath. You're standing in a bin looking like a idiot.'

''how can we ration when people arnt being rational?!''

'Makosi:My mother was one of 50 children. Science: Your grandaddy was a pimp'

'I may be only 5ft 8in, but I have the spirit of a giant'

'This is for the ghetto'

'Orlaith(enraged at Science) : SCIENCE YOUR DOIN' MA HEAD IN CAN YOU SHUT UP FOR ONE MINUTE?! Science(cooly in a mock american accent) : no!'

'''Power To The People'''

'''You fink am bovered?'''

'''Citizen Science man dat's who i am!'''


'''Science cannot be contained'''

'''You lot are idiots'''

'''A fot a was homaphobic derek'''

'''Get away from me man, Science dont play your kinda games'' (Whilst runnin away from Derek who was tryin 2 get a kiss from every housemate for a secret mission)'

''Have some respect for Sci-dog!''

'I'm from the Ghetto and yes I live with my mum.'

'You got to lick it before you stick it!'

'Im not gonna clean up this shit, im not clean up this shit'

'Easy tiger HAHA d'ya get me man'

'Empower yourself'

'Makosi: 'Talk to the hand coz the face ain't listening'. Science: 'I don't wanna talk to your face anyway. Especially in the morning when you wake up and you haven't put your eyebrows on''

'Makosi. 'you could come around to my house and I would cook you goats balls' Science. 'no way man you aint making me any kind of balls'

'Ahh Mr Moth, you dont want to move and i respect your wishes!'

''time of the month is it?' science to makosi when she was on her secret mission and wouldnt get up when the alarm went off .'

'At da end of da day yer'

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