Big Brother 7 Quotes

Quote of the Day

Quotes by Grace

'This house is fierce!'

'I can teach the kids a Welsh dance!'

'I did not say i would not go that low !'

'I tell you what babes, all my male mates would say they are dogs - honestly, rough as [to Glyn about Lea and Aisleyne]'

'Please don't think I look down on you babes, I don't look down on anyone [to Nikki]'

''You know you heard them mikey, they were chanting GET GRACE OUT''

''Sorry [Throwing a glass of water over Susie , before leaving the house].''

'(About Lea) She's all fake..and I'not talking about her boobs!'

''I never said sams name' grace talking to imogen and lisa about the arguement that had happened with lea and sam and saying she hadnt told lea who had been saying things about her when she infact was being twofaced as she landed sam in it,even though sam hadnt said anything.'


'Neither are you, you moose'

'To ashlyne'shut up you moose''

''With her big silicone thunder thighs!' Grace bad mouthing Susie to Nikki.'

''im going to wait for you ,I wont even look at another guy' grace talking to mikey after finding out she was going to be evicted soon and saying she would stay faithful to him ,*rolls eyes* yeah right'

''She can eff off! I mean she can actually just eff off!' Grace bad mouthing Susie to Nikki.'

'(about Sam) She's like another Shahbaz!!'

'My name is Grace and I am a bitch and everybody hates me.'

''I'm quite happy with my mosquito bites!''

'Babes i know, i know what they were saying, im not stupid they were shouting get grace out!(2 mikey)'

'I don't understand. Am I not being bitchy enough?'

'Grace ur Cool Ur Nice.'

''haven't they had enough yet!? ' talking about the crowd'

'I would never pose for nuts magazine on page 3 because im fierce'

'Sorry- throwing a cup of water'

'Oh shutup you mouse'

'She's like another Shabaz (on Sam)'

'She's Going For That Net Curtain Look'

'About Aisleynes Eviction Dress She's Going For That Net Curtain Look'

'Grace 2 Win She Is Mega Hot'

'To The Diary Room About Aisleyne Go Away Go Away Little Girl'

'The House Next Door Is F**king Fierce'

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