Big Brother 7 Quotes

Quote of the Day

Quotes by Nikki

'Oh my god, this stinks of body odour... it makes me feel sick... Dawn is disgusting!'

'I'm such an emotional person and I feel bad for Pete he's so lovely and had such a hard life.'

'''I just feel like a cooped up chicken!'''

''we're all high on e-numbers, everyone's fucked... ...give us some fruit please.''



'To Sam 'you do know, u have to go for gay guys''

'A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T -- W, X, Y, Z What happened to the U and the V??!?'

''Glyn u look like the cat that got the cheese' derrr!!'

'(About Grace) I hate it. I wouldn't care if I never saw it again. I wish it would go up in a puff of smoke!'

'Im sorry Grace, but im upset! I didn't realise the salmon meant that much to you!'

'(In the diary room, talking about George) I don't get it, because George has been hounding me to get into bed, and giving me massages. But then he changed. Last night he said he didn't fancy me. Ooh, look, there's a spider up there!'

'IM REALLY UPSET! I can't go on without my waterproof-mascara remover, you know. And now i've hurt my foot.... it's £16 a bottle, you know!'

'Richard: You do stinky poo's Nikki: I don't! They smell of roses!'

'Shahbaz: Do you drink soya milk? Nikki: No Shahbaz: Oh, Sorry, my mistake. I thought you had special dietry needs. Nikki: No, I eat normal milk. Shahbaz: Drink Nikki: Oh Yeah!'

'Pete:[cough]Wankers! Nikki: Exactly'

'Were all high on E-Numbers! Everyone's fucked. Give us some fruit, please!'

'[About Dawn] Why doesn't she wear deoderant? Its not me. I'm fresh as a daisy. Smell my armpits!'

'[To Pete] Have you been to one of those clubs where they wee on you?'

'I need a bottle of water i have a migrane i cant drink form a tap i neep some water'

'Nikki: Its not me... Smell my arm pit, Its not me... Grace: Nah its alright i know your higenic babe'


'About Suzie - I fucking hate it... wouldnt care if i ever saw it again ..'

'I can feel the venom pouring out of me when i breathe'


''I've never left skidmarks in my life!''

'(about Susie) Who is she? Who is she? Where did you get her from? I am not talking to it anymore. I can't even look at it?!'

''He's a fat ox''

''I've goot wind chills in my ear''

'' I hid the beer because last night ALL i had waz ONE glass of WINE and i thought everyone else has had a beer so im going to have the last one, so i hid it under my pillow... but you took it from under my pillow which shows me just how much you respect me, and care about me going tomorrow! [To Mikey]''

''They wouldn't notice if I faded into these walls..they wouldn't notice if I sank into quick-sand!!''

'' I wouldn't even wipe my arse with them, I'd rather use toilet paper ''

'I'm CRYING because of you!! Because you won't give me my fucking CLOTHES!!!'

''Show me the COCK!(to Shahbaz)''

'Whatever tickles your pickle'

'(To Glyn)You've put two pounds of butter in the middle of my toast and the other one's as dry as my arsehole!'

''east london is the bottom of the pit' nicki talking about where suzie dad came from and if suzie was well off'



'Im sooo cooooooooooooooOOOOOOooooooooooOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllLLLLLLLLLLLLllllllllDDDDDDDDDDdddddddddddd'

''diorrhea on your eviction night, who needs that? everything i ate i just shat out''

''who invented air con look whoever it was im going to kill them i hate you i hate you whoever invented air con''

'Its REPULSIVE i tell you. REPULSIVE.'

'*drunk and slurry* its my bed...its myyy bed...i mean i sleep over here but i keep all my stuff - nikkis stuff - over there in my bed...i get a better sleep in the double...its myyyy beeddd...she took nikki's bed...*waving arms around frantically*'

'Its my bed ! Its Nicki's bed that is where i sleep but thats Nickis bed nicki talking in the diaryroom about why she needs 3 beds for herself and how she didnt want the new housemates taking them'

'That's my bed, That's my bed, That's my bed, That's my bed...But my stuff's in Nikki's bed!'

'Are you a boy? Are you a girl? I dont understand? Why would you say that?'

'(diary room) Who is she? Who is she? I hate her! Who does she think she is?! Who is she!?!?!?!'

'About Richard: 'He had four bowls of cornflakes. And theyre not just bowls....theyre f***ing mountains of cornflakes''

''I'm not in the right frame of mood''

'Please Big Brother! I Need My Silver Belt!!'

'Who is she? who is she? who is she? where did you find her?'

'*shouts* big brother y wont u give me my bottled water i carnt drink tap water big brother im so dehydrated big brother ineed my bottled water Y wont u give me my botteld water'

'Who is she?! Who is she?! Where did you find her?!!'

'She is so self absorbed!!..Shes all ME ME ME ME ME!'

'(Taking mick out of Aisleyne) 'Know you're self before you start talking to me like thaat.. tsssst''

'About Jayne: She just walked in, shes just a normal person, she just walked in, i love her, i just love her. i tried to run but my legs just wouldn't go.'

'To jayne: sit down and shut your gob'

'(Immitating ritchard)Why dont you have them there so healthy Why dont you have them then? FAT OX!'

'Whatever tickles your pickle!'

'Davina: Well you always seemed cold in the house. Nikki: Yeh, it was freezing. Richard was the worst. Nikki (impression of richard): Yeah, lets put the aircon on, yeh its really nice and cold in here. Davina: I thought you liked him. Nikki: I do, he's fantastic! Davina: *Laugh*'

''Who IS she? Who IS She? Where Did YOU find her?!''

'Im one of those people who was born to have money, but i just dont have any!'

''SPECIAL' absolutly love nikki she has got to be one of the most brilliant people on t.v like! quality banter, LOVE IT!'

''My hands smell of cows' udders!'after the milk task'

'Niki Ur Class ur like my twin you are my mam says it. We Want You BACK PLEASE. UR CLASS PETEY IS UPSET :( Love you niki xxxxxxx'

''Who Invented air Con? I Want TO KILL THEM!' (About Air Con in the Dairy Room)'

''I can't take it. I've had no male attention for a month, I feel unattractive, I'm dying.''

'To Spiral: 'I didn't mean to make a face...I'm very expressional. You didn't give me any reason...I don't have any amniosity (sic) feelings towards you.''

'Why do you always get me in here while I'm f****d?....Can we have some more alcohol please?'


''oh my god, i have pins and needles in my feels like my very first orgasm!''

'Shy . . shy ive never heard such ludercrous nonesense, shy , shy , ludercrous'

'(To Big Brother in diary room) 'You're swines! You're f***ing swines!''

'Im the p.a!'

''Glyn, you simpleton!' after Glyn knocked over a bowl of cereal on nikki's bed.'

'' Let me out of here you SWINEES!! ''

'I want my bottled water!'

'Nominating Sam: 'She's always...[looks over shoulder]... HERE!''

'Nikki (in a rant): I wouldn't wipe my ar*e with Richard or Lea - I'd rather use toilet paper. Nikki [on Grace]: One minute she is yah-de-yah... the next minute she's jumping in bed with everybody. Lea: They have all paired off! Nikki: That Grace, she hasn't paired off, she's triplicated. (Sezer spent five minutes explaining how he is NOT gay) Nikki: (nodding slowly, showing understanding) So, you are unsure then? Sezer: No! Nikki: It's all right, Sezer. (pats Sezer's arm) It's all right. Nikki in DR (for the Temporary Agency task): What uniform are you going to give me, Big Brother? Please don't make me look like a moron. Nikki: Is it because I is orange? Grace: Orange? Nikki: .... green. (On hearing Lea's predilections) Nikki: I'm mawwwwwwwwwwwwtified. Mawwwwwwwwwwwtified! Nikki in the DR: I know I behave like a ten year old, I know I do but I can't help it, Big Brother, I just can't. I'm twenty four and I behave like a ten year old. Pathetic. Nikki: I can't sleep, someone is fermenting a gastronic smell the whole room stinks of fart ... I am going to sleep in the diary room. (Reclines in DR chair) BB: ..........Nikki.....Housemates are not permitted to sleep in the diary room. (Nikki laughs out loud) Nikki: I can't go in there, Big Brother! It smells like someone died. Nikki: Grace just talks about herself all the time... all the day... all the night. (Richard discussing with Nikki the sort of thing that she could do when she leaves the BB house. Amongst other things he suggests some sort of alternative therapy.) Nikki: What's that? Richard: Someone who puts their head up other people's a*rses. Nikki: Oh, I think you would be more suited to that, Richard. Sezer to Nikki: What do you think they will be saying about you on the outside world? Do you think they will be saying you are a hypochondriac? Nikki: ... No, because I'm always like that. Nikki: I don't know why Lea came in here, if she doesn't want to be judged, it is the stupidest thing .... it is such torture she is beginning to make my brain haemorrhage! I don't give a BLEEP what people think of me. Really, I don't. (Pete and Nikki cuddling and discussing possible public reaction) Nikki: I don't think i've done anything offensive ... Pete: (*Extra long pause*) 'Hmmmmmmmm ... Nikki: It's alright me being a monkey in here, but I have to be serious, if I keep on behaving like this, I will never get a job out there. (Nikki is wearing her faux fur jacket and holding a hot water bottle after complaining about the cold in the bedroom) Lea: It's wickedly cold in here, babe. Richard: I think you should sleep in the men's urinal, Nikki. Nikki: why don't you be done with it and put me on the roof, Richard? Richard: No, I'd rather you slept in the urinal, so I'd know where you were. Nikki: Just drown me in the bath, I'd be done with in seconds. Tie me to the rafters. Nikki (about HMs' annoyance with her after she's had a tantrum): I'm obviously making them feel headached. Nikki (to Lea when they were talking last night about Lea's porn exploits): 'Can you get a whole head up there?' BB (to Nikki): 'Where are the numbers on the keyboard?' Nikki: 'On the top. But it's just a flower coming out. (types a bit) All these flowers. There's no numbers coming out, just flowers.' Nikki: 'I can't walk barefoot in here as I might get ****ing rabies.' Nikki (to Richard after he teased her): 'You make me feel unattractive... you make me feel like a wildebeast!' Nikki: 'I talk drizzle, I know, I do talk drizzle.' Nikki (on herself in the Diary Room): 'I am monstrous and destructive ... I don't know how anyone would live with me. Even I wouldn't live with me. I'd kill me!' Nikki (moves restlessly on DR chair): 'Christ, I need to see a ****ing chiropractor after this.' Nikki: 'This is the third time tonight you have me in here drunk. You know I'll say stuff I'll regret. You're getting your money's worth out of me, Big Brother.''

'Big Brother: nikki you are now elligble to win the prize money, please leave the diary room and join your fellow housematess. Nikki: Ooh, I feel like Im having my first orgasm'.'

''I'm drunk... but i need more alcohol!''



'(mimiking aislyne) you bettah know urself if ur talkin to mee lil girl!'

'We love nikkkkkiiiii'

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