Big Brother 7 Quotes

Quote of the Day

Quotes by Pete

'Lisa's wicked man, but I don't like her like that!'

'Be a free range chicken!'

''for once, my terrettes is in context''

'Sezer the geezer'

''Sezer the geezer, the woman teaser''

'' Its just weird, as soon as you mentioned shabaz... i started crying.. (huh) funny ''



'(big brother) wat do you think of the house mates pete? (pete) they're all really nice people 'whistles' wankers'


'She's been executed'

''[Big brother] Pete what bothers you about Lisa? [Pete] She goes around the house stomping her feet, she always looks angry and has a short temper [ Big brother } How do you think this problem could be resolved Pete? [Pete] By voting her out (laughing)''


'[Pete on Big Brotherhood] Let's pick Nikki, wouldn't you like to see her ickle face go 'aaahhh'?!'

''My back up names for my references are Nikki and wank I mean Glyn''

'What does she really do?not much she just sits there,havent had much conversation with her at all.pete talking about imogen in the diaryroom'

'(BB) That is the wrong answer (Pete) That was the wrong question!'

'Pete : For my first nomination I am going to nomiante ...... um.......... Dave. Because Dave annoys me ! Big Brother : There is no contestant called Dave.'

''pass the banana' 'isnt that a kiwi?''

''Stop shooting yourself in the fooot!''

'(In the Diary Room) Big Brother: Pete, you know you have broken the rules by talking about last week's nominations. Pete: Yes. Big Brother: And you know that Big Brother takes rule breaking VERY seriously. Pete: Yes. Big Brtoher: So, Pete you will not be nominating this week. Pete: Yes, Ok, fine by mee. *Whistles* Wankers! Big Brother: Pete. Pete: Yes. Big Brother: You may now leave the diary room. Pete: Ok Thank Yoo!'

'Usually my terrets calm down like when im having sex or when im really relaxed'

'(diary room) Big Brother: Hello, Pete. Pete: Hello Big Bro! Big Brother: Pete, what was you up to last night? Pete: we wasnt doin anyfin, just, you know, kissin and all that! Big Brother: Is that all? Pete: I can't tell you anymore, and we only kissed, not done anyfin else! Big Brother: Ok Pete, You may now leave the Diary Room. Pete: Thank you!'

'Lisa: (about a bug) Aaaaaargh! Get it away, kill it, it's horrible! Pete: -laughs- Nahh leave it alone, it's lovely.'

'(About Little Brother, the one-legged rat) 'Ah, it's really sweet...hoppin about with it's little foot -does impression-''


'It's Getting Hot In Here...So I'll Take Of All My Clothes.. No I Won't Do That Really'

'Big Brother ( Fasinating )Pete: And for my next trick.. I shall leave !'

'(In Mysteries Task) Big Bro: Pete, have you found out what would happen to earth if an alien spaceship stole the moon? Pete: Yep, well, we would run out of cheese and the aliens would have like a ten year supply of it. Big Bro: Pete, if would stop the tides Pete: Yeah, I was gonna say that. Big BRo: It would also cause hundreds of catastrophic events which would mean the end of the world! Pete:Really? 'ow do you know!'

'(After being re-uninted with Nikki) Nikki: I've never cried happy tears before Pete: Really? Ooh, I have. When I was 12 and I got a Sega-Mega drive.'


'[pete:i fink nikki will be fine but last nite ashleane goes 'pshshabseb'pete' and i was like What!!!then i looked at grace and mikey and there covers were going up and down so i fink they had a little bit of Hanky Panky going on b4 grace leaves(pete laughs)'

''Stuff your face with my sugary love!''

'Woooop pete won wooooooop'

'Ugh, Lemonade!'

'Singing a song about richard 4 the best friends task- 'D.I.C.K HE'S A BIG GAY!''

'Pete and Aisleyne dressed as rednecks for a task. Pete' You wanna exchange bodily fluids, Ma?' Aisleyne'Son that's wrong. Exchange your bodily fluids with the pig!''


'Look a bird sh*t on my hed! thats weird we was just talking about them!'


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