Big Brother 7 Quotes

Quote of the Day

Quotes by Shahbaz

'I've had a tough life you know'

'I'm an attention seeker.'

'I'm sorry Glyn but I'm a tactile person and I'm going to continue touching you. When I do just imagine I'm one of your straight rugby friends, ok?'

'I'm intelligent but unemployable - I've been living off taxpayers for 21 years!'

'I never saw my breakdown coming but wasn't it spectacular everyone? Car crash TV at its finest.'

''Im a self confessed paki-puff u know!''

''I don't want to be known as just a National Insurance number!''

'' Oh the satisfaction! ''

'I'm just an insurance number!!'

''Respect... respect is something you earn!''

''It has potential(while flashing his penis to Nikki)''

''Lea: Why can't you act normal, Shabaz: I am not normal!''

'' I am not a bully, I'm just sick' ' I can't leave, I am in here for the whole ride''

''I prefer the plate to the mug!' 'I am not a bad actress, as you all made me out to be!' 'We're here to play our roles, play your role!'

''We don't know each other, we're all strangers in a very bizzare soap opera called Big Brother!''

''I expect to be shot on sight! and I wanna go out with a bang and a blaze of glory''

''I was just having a theatrical moment!' 'I'm a dead man waking... I am... seriously I'm a dead woman walking' 'I'm not a bad actress''

''Believe you-me!''

''Oh Shahbaz... you're the most fabulously talented individual we've ever met(talking to the camera)''

''Do what must be done Lord Vader(referring o big brother), show no mercy! Show no resolve... you are about to desroy somebody's life forever' 'This is my final curtain call!' 'My silence will speak volumes!' 'I look like Benny fucking Hill more than ever before and I thought I was glamarous... I do look like Benny Hill... only I'm brown!' 'Holy Moses! oops.. now I've offended the Jews 'cause Im a muslim''

'(To the camera) 'Look at those lips, you can't buy lips like that. (Pouts and puckers lips in mirror) That is a Marilyn Monroe mouth.''

'I did do it ye cuz you pissed me off'

''I want to go home and watch a DVD and just look after myself''

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