Common Themes On This Week

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This Week is a political TV show that is presented by Andrew Neil, and with regular pundits Michael Portillo and Diane Abbott sitting implausibly close to each other on the sofa (apparently to both fit comfortably in the camera shot).

However, the second guest alongside Michael Portillo changes each week at the time of writing, after Diane initially stood for the Labour leadership and of course was trounced (to the apparent delight of both Andrew and Michael) only to then take some sort of shadow-a.n. other post in the Labour shadow cabinet which meant she could not appear on the show weekly anymore.

This is a list of some of the common recurring themes and names for people that appear on the show.
By: listmaster

List of Common Themes On This Week

(1) Annabels

This is a private members restaurant and nightclub on Berkeley Square in London, presumably near to where This Week is filmed. Presumably exclusive, it is where Andrew often ends the show by saying that he and Michael are going in order to have a few drinks after the show.

(2) Blue nun

The tipple of choice (it's a German wine) of anyone that watches the program, Andrew often makes at least one reference per show to blue nun and the viewer's addiction to it or requirement to drink it in order to continue enduring the rest of the show.

(3) The great leader

Whilst Gordon Brown was in office as Prime Minister, something which everyone seems thankful is no longer the case whatever their political persuasion, this was how Andrew always referred to Gordon Brown.

(4) The clunking fist

Another name that was occasionally used for Gordon Brown.

(5) Call Me Dave

This is the name used for David Cameron who used this once to show his friendliness and approachability, and now is referred to as Call me Dave on most occasions his name is mentioned on This Week.

(6) Cleggover

This is the name that is frequently used to refer to Nick Clegg, in relation to an article a few years back in a magazine apparently boasting about his prowess with the ladies in the past.

(7) Interweb

This is how they describe the internet on the show, in homage to when Gordon Brown got mixed up once and used that term instead of the internet.

(8) Vince the Cable

It is quite clear who this refers to, and indeed the Lib Dem politician Vince Cable is he.

(9) Boy George

This refers to George Osborne in reference to his relatively boyish looks.

(10) Prince of darkness

This is one of a few phrases that is used to refer to Peter Mandelson on the show. Whilst Labour were in power and he re-emerged under Gordon Brown his name was mentioned most weeks, and the prince of darkness was the phrase most commonly used to refer to him.

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