(1) Build as quickly as you can
The key to Monopoly and winning is to build as quickly as you can. If you play the traditional rules, you need to get a whole set of colours before you are able to build, so you should focus on a couple of sets rather than buying properties across various sets.
(2) Don't be afraid to trade
Trading makes sense. If someone else has a property that you want then do discuss a trade with them. Of course try to get it for the lowest price or the course of action that results in the lowest threat to you: you should feel you are getting more out of the exchange than you are giving.
(3) Focus on low value properties
The low value properties are much cheaper to build on but still get decent rents. To build on park lane and mayfair for instance in the English version costs a fortune, but are acceptable as there are just two. The green set of oxford, regent and bond street costs an arm and a leg to build on to get decent rests. Concentrate on the blues, purples and oranges most in the English version if you own them.
(4) Don't bother with the waterworks or electric company
You can make pocket money out of them, but owning these has surely never been the difference between winning and losing.
(5) Get out of jail quickly at the start
At the start if you go to jail, pay to get out straight away so you don't miss out on property buying and going around the board. Later on in the game when most property is bought, then is no clear need to get out of jail in the same way.
(6) Get to the jump in property prices
Usually at around 3 houses, the rent payable when someone lands on your property jumps up sharply. Therefore aim to get to this level. Remember with a set of properties to always put the most houses where relevant on the property that has the highest rent of the two or three.