I hope we can sort things out as quickly as possible, for the good of the country. But we won't rush into any agreement.
David Cameron
Talking about a possible agreement to make him Prime Minister...
Date Added: 08 May 2010
The need for education reform, building a low-carbon economy, reforming our political system, decentralising power, protecting civil liberties and scrapping ID cards
David Cameron
Talking about common ground with the Lib Dems...
Date Added: 08 May 2010
I think we have a strong basis for a strong government. Inevitably the negotiations we're about to start will involve compromise. That is what working together in the national interest means
David Cameron
Making an offer to the Lib Dems to join with them to form a government...
Date Added: 07 May 2010
I want to make a big, open and comprehensive offer to the Liberal Democrats. I want us to work together in tackling our country's big and urgent problems - the debt crisis, our deep social problems and our broken political system
David Cameron
Making an offer to the Lib Dems to join with them to form a government...
Date Added: 07 May 2010
It's a huge sacred bond of trust that you're asking for and I think showing that you're really working for it, showing you're really keen to do it in the interests of the whole country, that's the right thing to do.
David Cameron
Speaking last night on his non-stop last minute campaigning...
Date Added: 06 May 2010
We will continue to fund Northern Ireland according to its needs, and we will tackle the deficit while protecting the essential frontline public services that we all rely on
David Cameron
On Northern Ireland, where he managed to get to in the end despite volcanic ash...
Date Added: 05 May 2010
We have a great history but our best days are ahead of us.
David Cameron
Hoping for election victory...
Date Added: 06 May 2010
I never believed this election was going to be easy. Elections are meant to be a challenge. The British people don't hand you the government of the country on a plate, quite rightly they are making us work for it
David Cameron
On why it hasn't been a runaway for the Tories with Labour and Gordon Brown being so unpopular...
Date Added: 05 Apr 2010
I don't want to take anything for granted, it's a very important election, it's a close election and I'm fighting for every vote right down to the wire.
David Cameron
DC on why he decided to campaign through the night talking to anyone who would listen to him...
Date Added: 05 Apr 2010
We will not change this country's destiny with 60 new people at the top pulling a few strings, but we will if 60 million citizens play their part.
David Cameron
... on how to improve the country...
Date Added: 03 May 2010
This is the vital time. You need to go door to door, street to street, house to house. We have a huge amount of work to do, a lot of people left to convince.
David Cameron
Telling party members to doorstep like they've never dorstepped before!
Date Added: 03 May 2010
if we win the election, there'll be the budget and the Queen's Speech stretching into July, and Parliament should be back in September, instead of this absurd three-month holiday
David Cameron
Absurd is indeed the word...
Date Added: 02 May 2010
I think we've got to get rid of these absurd parliamentary holidays and start making Parliament work like the rest of the country does.
David Cameron
DC suggests parliamentarians should actually work proper hours shock horror!
Date Added: 02 May 2010
Immigration in this country has been too high for too long... we will cut it substantially.
David Cameron
On immigration...
Date Added: 29 Apr 2010
Right now we are stuck and the Prime Minister talks about renewable energy... we've had nine energy ministers and two were the same person... nothing ever happens, what we need is change to a government that understands entrepreneurs and gets Britain working.
David Cameron
The Tory leader is running rings around Gordon Brown tonight...
Date Added: 29 Apr 2010
Gordon Brown doesn't seem to understand that to help businesses you have to cut their red tape, make it easier for them to do things.
David Cameron
GB doesn't understand a lot of things tonight, according to DC in debate 3...
Date Added: 29 Apr 2010
One of the lessons to learn is to stay out of the euro, keep our pound, and avoid the desperate mistake that the Liberal Democrats would have made.
David Cameron
Saying that if we'd followed Lib Dem policy we would now all be paying for Greece...
Date Added: 29 Apr 2010
It's a very important moment in the election and I want to try to get across how we can build a better, stronger economy, that's what it's really about - the future, how we get jobs going, how we get business going
David Cameron
Anticipating the third TV debate, which many say will have a strong bearing on how people ultimately vote...
Date Added: 29 Apr 2010
I'm not going to comment on all of that, the words speak for themselves, I'll leave that to others.
David Cameron
Cameron decides not to put the boot into Brown over his bigot comment...
Date Added: 29 Apr 2010
We've set out some of the difficult decisions - the freeze on public sector pay, raising the retirement age and stopping tax credits for high income families.
David Cameron
... however the Tories are concerned about being too clear on what the cuts will be after their 'austerity Britain' pitch led to a fall in ratings last year...
Date Added: 28 Apr 2010
We were the first party to say public spending must be cut
David Cameron
... talking about publiic spending having to be cut
Date Added: 28 Apr 2010
The Wire is excellent. Dominic West, who plays Jimmy McNulty, is a friend. He tried to go out with Samantha once. He fancied Samantha. I won!
David Cameron
But will he win the prize he really wants come election day? The polls suggest it'll be in the balance...
Date Added: 27 Apr 2010
We stand by our electoral system - I don't want to see it changed.
David Cameron
... on whether he wants electoral reform or not from the first past the post to PR or somewhere nearer towards it...
Date Added: 26 Apr 2010
Labour have shown a complete contempt for the rights of the individual.
David Cameron
... talking about some of the failings of the Labour party...
Date Added: 26 Apr 2010
If you have a view that we need to do more on our environment, more on civil liberties, more on quality of life there is now a modern Conservative Party that can get things done.
David Cameron
Appealling to some thinking of voting for the yellow party...
Date Added: 26 Apr 2010
As well as going to Southampton where we think there are Labour seats we can win that perhaps we weren't originally targeting I will also be going to Romsey which obviously is a Lib Dem held seat that we want to win. So we are enlarging our battleground.
David Cameron
Explaining that he is still hopeful of winning Lib Dem seats despite their surge in popularity in the polls...
Date Added: 26 Apr 2010
[a hung parliament would lead to] bickering, argument, drift and dithering.
David Cameron
It's quite clear DC doesn't want a hung parliament...
Date Added: 25 Apr 2010
I want us to keep our defences strong, I want to keep our borders secure and our country safe. But real change, real change comes not just from politicians, but from when we all recognise that we have responsibilities.
David Cameron
... mentioning the 'R' word, responsibility, that many people these days don't like to hear...
Date Added: 23 Apr 2010
I want less waste, less bereaucracy. Stopping the jobs tax,but making sure we have good public services that you get good value for money for.
David Cameron
... sounds good so far...
Date Added: 23 Apr 2010
Real change comes from your values, and there, there are big differences between us [them and Labour]. I believe that we need to do more to help families.
David Cameron
... outlining where the modern Tory party stands
Date Added: 23 Apr 2010
If you vote Conservative, you will get a new team running the country from May 7th.
David Cameron
... that is assuming that enough other people in the country also vote Conservative of course...
Date Added: 23 Apr 2010
It's clear from last week's debate that the country wants change.
David Cameron
Unfortunately for him last week they seemed more interested in Clegg than Cameron...
Date Added: 23 Apr 2010
We've got a fight on our hands. There's no doubt about it.
David Cameron
Talking about the recent developments in election 2010...
Date Added: 22 Apr 2010
People are very depressed and fed up with the politics at the moment and they need to be inspired - that's what we've got to do.
David Cameron
Speaking ahead of election debate number two...
Date Added: 22 Apr 2010
I've been burgled a couple of times and it's a horrible shock, the sense that someone has been into your house and taken your things, you feel completely invaded
David Cameron
Liam Fox was burgled...
Date Added: 22 Apr 2010
You could easily wake up on May 7 and find literally you are stuck with what you have got, you are stuck with Gordon Brown in Downing Street, you're stuck with a deficit, you are stuck with an economy that isn't moving and nothing has changed
David Cameron
... DC tries the shock tactics: GB might still be in power after the election, plus ca change...
Date Added: 20 Apr 2010
Politicians have been saying 'just give us a little bit more of your money, just let us pass one more law, one more regulation, one more little order from on high and suddenly we will solve all the country's problems. It is a lie, it is a big lie, it is rubbish. It doesn't work.
David Cameron
DC is clearly unimpressed with what he's seen happen to the country under the hands of the New Labour machine...
Date Added: 19 Apr 2010
There has only been one big idea to come out of any of the manifestos. It is what the Conservatives are talking about with the "big society". It is the only way we can get real change.
David Cameron
... the idea of living in a society again is almost heart warming...
Date Added: 19 Apr 2010
The big government way has not worked. It is time for something genuinely different.
David Cameron
... contrasting his approach to Labour's over the last 13 years, DC says a new approach is needed pronto...
Date Added: 19 Apr 2010
If you want real change...the only way is to have a Conservative government.
David Cameron
... or the Lib Dems, according to Nick Clegg...
Date Added: 18 Apr 2010
It is a great opportunity to try to communicate to those millions of people in our country who are switched off politics.
David Cameron
... now are they the great ignored or the great uninterested?
Date Added: 15 Apr 2010
It is an historic first for our country to have live televised debates between the people putting themselves forward to be prime minister.
David Cameron
Speaking about the televised debates with their strict rules and instructions...
Date Added: 15 Apr 2010
We stand for society. We will put responsibility at the heart of national life. The country wants change and I want to get started. We don't just seek your support, we seek your active participation every day.
David Cameron
At the manifesto launch...
Date Added: 13 Apr 2010
The alternative to big government is not no government, it's good government.
David Cameron
At the manifesto launch...
Date Added: 13 Apr 2010
No new ideas from Labour, a very negative campaign, all about attack and trying to scare people.
David Cameron
DC comments on the widely noted fact that Labour are running a very negative campaign...
Date Added: 12 Apr 2010
The other day I actually went out and bought a new breadmaker. The first few times I used it there was a bit of a mush left at the bottom.
David Cameron
DC talking about his breadmaking abilities (bread of the staple food item kind)...
Date Added: 11 Apr 2010
Sometimes I'll get back from meeting President Sarkozy, or someone, and Sam will say 'Yeah yeah, that's all very well, but it's your turn to cook dinner and put the kids to bed'.
David Cameron
Call me Dave on SamCam being down to earth...
Date Added: 10 Apr 2010
But have no fear: the Party has changed, the changes we have made are supported by those serving in my team and those changes are lasting. So far as I am concerned, it is one of the touchstone issues that define the modern Conservative Party.
David Cameron
The Tories have changed, honest, says DC...
Date Added: 10 Apr 2010
The exact balance between things like procurement, recruitment and IT should be decided calmly and reasonably with the Treasury if we are elected on 6 May
David Cameron
DC, aka 'Call Me Dave' on working out the details...
Date Added: 09 Apr 2010
It's not talking about people losing their jobs, it's talking about not filling vacancies as they arise.
David Cameron
David Cameron responds to enquiries as to whether his proposed cuts will involve people losing their jobs...
Date Added: 09 Apr 2010
The closest thing to a rite of passage is getting drunk on your 18th birthday
David Cameron
The Tory party leader talks about the lack of aspiration of teenagers in the UK today...
Date Added: 08 Apr 2010
It's the most important general election for a generation. It comes down to this. You don't have to put up with another five years of Gordon Brown.
David Cameron - Conservative party leader
Cameron wants to win and that means getting Brown out...
Date Added: 08 Apr 2010
She doesn't need any tips. She is a natural. She is eclipsing me altogether.
David Cameron - Conservative party leader
David Cameron talking about wife Samantha Cameron's campaigning prowess.
Date Added: 08 Apr 2010
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