Nick Clegg UK General Election Quotes

Quote of the Day

The discussions between the political parties have now reached a critical and final phase. I'm as impatient as everybody else to get on with things, to resolve matters one way or the other.
Nick Clegg

The only question that matters: will Nick Clegg be governed by total greed (Labour pact) or a sense of what is morally and economically right for the country? The red pill or the blue pill Mr Clegg, which is it to be...
Date Added: 11 May 2010
 We've had some very constructive talks with the Conservative Party and I'm very grateful to David Cameron and his negotiating team. We've had some very positive talks, made a great deal of progress, but we haven't yet reached a comprehensive partnership agreement.
Nick Clegg

But yet the deal he does may still be with Labour not the Conservatives...
Date Added: 10 May 2010
Talks are continuing today. Everyone's trying to be constructive for the good of the country. I'm very keen that the Liberal Democrats should play a constructive role at a time of great economic uncertainty to provide the good government that this country deserves.
Nick Clegg

... only time will tell if it leads to a deal, and what sort of deal it is...
Date Added: 09 May 2010
It is vital that all parties, all political leaders, act in the national interest and not out of narrow party political
Nick Clegg

Despite a disappointing showing for the Lib Dems, he could still be the kingmaker...
Date Added: 07 May 2010
Polls come and go... The only one that matters is tomorrow.
Nick Clegg

Speaking last night, on the eve of today's election...
Date Added: 06 May 2010
We cannot let politics as usual triumph.
Nick Clegg

... a meaningless soundbyte as usual from NC?
Date Added: 05 Apr 2010
If change is what you want, don't let anything or anyone stand in your way
Nick Clegg

... unless you're driving a car and they're crossing the road in front of you presumably Nick?
Date Added: 05 Apr 2010
We are reaching deeper into parts of Britain that have been let down by Labour in particular for so long.
Nick Clegg

... on changing strategy to give some attention to seats they never thought they could have won before Cleggmania...
Date Added: 03 May 2010
We have got three days in this most exciting election campaign, three days to change Britain for good. Three days to deliver the fairness... for the families and communities of Great Britain.
Nick Clegg

... Nick Clegg urging people to get rid of Gordon Brown from 10 Downing Street...
Date Added: 03 May 2010
I hear peoples concerns about immigration all the time... people are so anxious is because the immigration system itself has become utterly chaotic... Conservative and Labour governments removed the exit controls.  We need a dedicated border police force, we need a regional approach... we need to deal with the illegal gangs that have been exploiting the immigration system.
Nick Clegg

A long response on immigration from NC...
Date Added: 29 Apr 2010
We should ensure we never ever have again the banks holding a gun to the rest of the economy.
Nick Clegg

TV debate 3, BBC style...
Date Added: 29 Apr 2010
We need to give you hope that when you leave this college you have the optimism, idealism, aspiration that you will find a job.
Nick Clegg

Paving the way for future LD voters whilst visiting a college...
Date Added: 29 Apr 2010
If a government can ask people of 16 to fight for our country, it seems to me the minimum we should morally do is give them the right to vote
Nick Clegg

On the voting age and whether or not it should be lowered to 16... of course it helps the Lib Dems are traditionally much favoured by youngsters...
Date Added: 29 Apr 2010
We have set out literally the numbers in our manifesto about how we would provide a £10bn downpayment within the next year or two to fill the black hole.
Nick Clegg

... apparently the party manifestos are selling extremely well at the moment...
Date Added: 28 Apr 2010
I think what is right, and I've been quite open about this: has any political party really been able to spell out in full, gory detail exactly what's going to have to happen over the next several years to fill the black hole? No.
Nick Clegg

... NC emphasising his honesty with the electorate yet again... is that the tired old honesty or the new honesty?
Date Added: 28 Apr 2010
I'm Nick Clegg, I'm not Nostradamus.
Nick Clegg

And no-one could have predicted his meteoric rise in the profile stakes; so high infact that Vince Cable is... err... has anyone seen Vince Cable since the first TV debate?
Date Added: 27 Apr 2010
I understand he's got a bone to pick with the broadcasters and he should pursue that, but he shouldn't penalise the Scottish people and prevent them from watching the debate.
Nick Clegg

On Alex Salmond...
Date Added: 27 Apr 2010
I've never sought to make claims about my autobiography for political ends - I am who I am.
Nick Clegg

... just in case you were ever in any doubts, it's now official: Nick Clegg is Nick Clegg...
Date Added: 26 Apr 2010
For too long Labour have thought that they own Scotland - they do not.
Nick Clegg

... although to be fair, in terms of seats they have done pretty well in Scotland...
Date Added: 26 Apr 2010
What I care about is not the label on the politician, but the changes we are seeking to deliver for the benefit of the British people.
Nick Clegg

Nick Clegg talking about something or other...
Date Added: 26 Apr 2010
You can't duck the fact we have a system completely out of step with the hopes of millions of people.
Nick Clegg

Talking about the electoral system... apparently Labour have fiddled things so much they can get the least votes and still form a government!
Date Added: 25 Apr 2010
I think a party that has the most votes and seats... has got the right to form the government. 
Nick Clegg

Date Added: 25 Apr 2010
A party that comes third... cannot lay claim to providing the Prime Minister.
Nick Clegg

NC makes it clear that if Labour come third and were to form a goverment with them then Brown could not be PM...
Date Added: 25 Apr 2010
I think, if we do things differently, we can be proud, once again, of the role we can play as a force for good in the world.
Nick Clegg

Can we not be proud now of the role we play in the world then NC? Not very patriotic!
Date Added: 23 Apr 2010
I want us to lead in creating a world free of nuclear weapons.
Nick Clegg

OK, so good luck with that: get anywhere even vaguely near achieving it and you deserve several Nobel prizes...
Date Added: 23 Apr 2010
The sad truth is that in recent years, our governments under the old parties have let those values down.
Nick Clegg

OK... recent years can't mean more than ten surely? And it's only been one party not 'parties' in power during that time, and certainly since he's been an MP...
Date Added: 23 Apr 2010
I am so proud of the values that have made our country so great.
Nick Clegg

Intro to debate two... but not too great, remember, according to comments he made about Britain a few years back...
Date Added: 23 Apr 2010
I will sit with my team and we will just go over some questions. We are not going to do any dress rehearsals or anything like that
Nick Clegg

On what preparation he has done or will do for TV debate number two... the pressure's on to perform well again...
Date Added: 22 Apr 2010
I have done nothing wrong. In the next few days I will publish figures to prove it.
Nick Clegg

Nick Clegg is determined not to go from 'soft' hero to 'soft' zero about money paid into his personal bank account...
Date Added: 22 Apr 2010
I can't predict what's going to happen. I'm acutely aware as everybody else is that polls go up, go down, there's volatility - all the rest of it. All I know it is that for the old anchors, the old patterns and the old established routines of elections, they are breaking down.
Nick Clegg

... the grammatical structure of sentences is also breaking down, alas...
Date Added: 19 Apr 2010
A vote for the Liberal Democrats is exactly what it says on the tin - it is a vote for the Liberal Democrats
Nick Clegg

Nick 'not actually Winston Churchill' Clegg explaining what a vote for the Lib Dems means...
Date Added: 19 Apr 2010
A growing number of people are starting to hope, to believe a little door has opened and that maybe this time we can do things differently.
Nick Clegg

The Lib Dem leader has been grinning like a Cheshire cat since Thursday's election debate... beware a happy Lib Demmer!
Date Added: 18 Apr 2010
The more they attack each other, the more they sound exactly the same.
Nick Clegg

... a well-rehearsed line from Nick Clegg that was guaranteed to get the agreement of some audience members at the first election debate; though we can't tell as they weren't allowed to do anything but breathe...
Date Added: 16 Apr 2010
It's like having one big huge job interview in front of the whole nation. But the main thing is I know myself well enough, I've actually got to enjoy it.
Nick Clegg

Speaking about the TV debate as though it's a job interview...
Date Added: 15 Apr 2010
Our manifesto will hardwire fairness into British society.  This is not a promise, it is a plan.
Nick Clegg

It can't be a promise when they're not going to be in power...
Date Added: 14 Apr 2010
If you have ever looked at the Liberal Democrats and thought they have got the right ideas but can they deliver, the answer is this manifesto.
Nick Clegg

Spoken at the manifesto delivery... a worrying thing to say since there's a quantum leap between creating a manifesto and delivering it, just ask Labour!
Date Added: 14 Apr 2010
The problems in the British economy started with the banks, so the solution must start with the banks too.
Nick Clegg

Clegg's 'the world started with a bang so it must end with a bang' type logic is pretty suspect...
Date Added: 13 Apr 2010
A vote for the Lib Dems isn't a vote for any other party.
Nick Clegg

Thanks NC, but us Brits can just about cope with a first past the post system and understanding shoving an 'X' in the Lib Dem box is a vote for the Lib Dems...
Date Added: 12 Apr 2010
It would be like a cricket captain complaining about having the best batsman.
Nick Clegg

Talking about whether Dr Vincent Cable MP was both better known and more popular than the leader of the LD's perish the thought...
Date Added: 12 Apr 2010
As we fill the black hole in the public finances, we need to show people that there is something in it for them.
Nick Clegg

NC needs to read up on his physics: if you pour money in a black hole it will disappear rather than fill it; just ask Labour!
Date Added: 12 Apr 2010
I don't think Vince is going to be in the Carlos Tevez school of transfers from one team to the other, we work as a team.
Nick Clegg - Lib Dem Leader

Responding to questions on whether Vince the Cable would be allowed to be Chancellor in a hung parliament...
Date Added: 09 Apr 2010
[Labour and the Conservatives] have played with government as though it was a game of pass the parcel.
Nick Clegg

Nick Clegg trivia: he is referred to as Nick Clegover, or should that be Cleggover, on BBC Political show This Week...
Date Added: 08 Apr 2010
This is a huge, huge election. It is certainly the beginning of the end for Brown, that's for sure.
Nick Clegg - Leader of the Liberal Democrats

The leader of the Liberals also wants to see the end of Brown - not the only thing he has in common with Cameron perhaps.
Date Added: 08 Apr 2010

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