What he [Gordon Brown] did today was not leave Number Ten, but rather ensure he stays there a little bit longer.
Nick Robinson
... on Gordon Brown's announcement he will "resign" if a "progressive" (=non-Conservative) alliance goes ahead
Date Added: 10 May 2010
My hunch is that a Tory/Lib Dem arrangement can be formed, but not a coalition, which both parties would find too hard to stomach. The reason is that both parties' leaderships have a shared interest in avoiding an early second election
Nick Robinson
On what he expects will happen next, but no-one really knows...
Date Added: 08 May 2010
An arrangement between Labour, the Lib Dems, the SNP and Plaid could command a majority in the House of Commons. The nationalist parties would, of course, extract financial and political concessions.
Nick Robinson - BBC political journalist
It has also been suggested by some journalists if Labour clung to power despite being rejected by the electorate there would be anarchy in the UK...
Date Added: 08 May 2010
The spirit of Dunkirk has gripped the nation. The country has found a politician it likes even more than Winston Churchill, according to one poll
Nick Robinson - BBC reporter of matters politic
Clegg has been compared to Churchill... oh no oh no oh no...
Date Added: 19 Apr 2010
Spare a thought for messers Brown and Cameron and Clegg this morning. They've been told again and again that their performance under the hot studio lights in Britain's first ever prime ministerial debate could change not just their fortunes, but the course of history.
Nick Robinson - BBC journalist
It will be interesting to see if the TV debates really have as much impact as people say they might...
Date Added: 15 Apr 2010
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