I rejected some gorgeous publicity shots because they just didn't look like me. I won't wear skanky clothes that show off my booty, my belly or boobs. I have a great body. I could be
Britney. I could be better than
View quotes by Avril LavigneI'd like to be like
Britney, but maybe better, but I don't wanna outshine her!
View quotes by Jamie Lynn SpearsI would most like to walk down the runway to My Prerogative by
Britney Spears.
View quotes by Snejana OnopkaBritney painted her finger nails and it really seemed like they had a blast.
View quotes by Shar JacksonIf
Britney wants to give me a call, she should. But she's got to make the first move.
View quotes by Gareth GatesWho would I like to kiss? Probably Madonna because I'm jealous Christina and
Britney already got there.
View quotes by Stacy FergusonBritney would make a better prostitute than Christina. She's thicker.
View quotes by Snoop DoggOn
Britney Spears: It's a bit sad to wear a bikini to sell records.
View quotes by Samantha Mumba'I want to wait to have sex until I'm married.' - the quote
Britney apparently regrets most
View quotes by Britney Spears[My daughter Lourdes and I] listen to
Britney Spears songs together.
View quotes by MadonnaI am a big fan and I just loved doing all the dance routines. [on being
Britney for Stars in their Eyes]
View quotes by Nikki SandersonAlthough I fancy
Britney, I think Shakira is hot too. Maybe I could let them fight over me. I'm a young lad and I've got to keep my options open.
View quotes by Gareth GatesBritney's really supportive of what I'm doing. It's going to be tough because I'm not going to see my family as much as I want to, but I mean, those are the sacrifices you make as an artist.
View quotes by Kevin FederlineOn watching 20 minutes of a
Britney show on TV to please his pop loving wife: 'I did good, didn't I?'
View quotes by Matthew BroderickI have a lot of guys falling all over me. I don't just need J. Don't get me wrong I love him but I don't think we will ever be more than friends' -
Britney after the split with Justin Trousersnake
View quotes by Britney SpearsBritney and I show a little tummy and it's like, 'Oh My God.' But N'Sync or Backstreet Boys will do repeated pelvic thrusts to an audience of pre-pubescent girls and nobody says anything!
View quotes by Christina AguileraA lot of kids buying my albums have them next to CDs by Coldplay or
Britney. They have open ears and open minds.
View quotes by Kenny Chesney'I will always love him (Justin) but as time goes on it becomes easier to deal with' -
Britney talking about her and Justin splitting
View quotes by Britney SpearsOn the women he has been linked to: Sometimes it's
Britney Spears and sometimes it's Carrie Fisher. I can't tell if I've got a Lolita complex or an Oedipus complex.
View quotes by Ben AffleckBob Dole is going to be appearing in a Pepsi commercial with
Britney Spears. Yeah, apparently Dole says that if this doesn't cure his erectile dysfunction, nothing will.
View quotes by Conan O'BrienView Results: page 1
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