Composer Quotes

Quote of the Day

I am not a self-conscious composer.
View quotes by Samuel Barber

A good composer does not imitate; he steals.
View quotes by Igor Stravinsky

The first requirement for a composer is to be dead. (Je suis compositeur)
View quotes by Arthur Honegger

A nation creates music - the composer only arranges it.
View quotes by Mikhail Glinka

Aaron Copland was a man that had a very specific point of view about what music should be which was that, he felt that new music should have the composer should show a personality in his music.
View quotes by Elliott Carter

If I belong to a tradition, it is a tradition that makes the masterpiece tell the performer what to do, and not the performer telling the piece what it should be like, or the composer what he ought to have composed.
View quotes by Alfred Brendel

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