When people come together, go to each other's country, and watch a conflict being played out on the
field of sport, as opposed to the
field of battle... then why can't that same spirit, that same philosophy, infect other aspects of relations? [Hoping India and Pakistan would develop their relationship off the pitch]
View quotes by Colin PowellIn our country, true teams rarely exist . . . social barriers and personal ambitions have reduced athletes to dissolute cliques or individuals thrown together for mutual profit . . . Yet these rugby players. with their muddied, cracked bodies, are struggling to hold onto a sense of humanity that we in America have lost and are unlikely to regain. The game may only be to move a ball forward on a dirt
field, but the task can be accomplished with an unshackled joy and its memories will be a permanent delight. The women and men who play on that rugby
field are more alive than too many of us will ever be. The foolish emptiness we think we perceive in their existence is only our own
View quotes by Victor Cahn There's nothing down there on the baseball
field that I can't do.
View quotes by James C DobsonI've always tried to do my best on the ball
field. I can't do any more than that.
View quotes by Jesse BarfieldYou can run on a football
field but you can't hide out there.
View quotes by Sam HuffWe know we're going to have to fight for every single yard in the
View quotes by Jonny WilkinsonAs a child, the paddy
field was my playground.
View quotes by Abdullah A BadawiNever in the
field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few.
View quotes by Winston ChurchillRemember - you can't beam through a force
field. So, don't try it.
View quotes by William ShatnerI do not care to die, but I pray to God I may never leave this
View quotes by Winfield HancockThe pub is as much a part of rugby as is the playing
View quotes by John Dickenson The only way I'd worry about the weather is if it snows on our side of the
field and not theirs.
View quotes by Tommy LasordaWe were given a choice. We can either run around the
field three times or around Tommy Lasorda once.
View quotes by Steve SaxeWe had to fight. We said if we had to die we would die together on that
field [a slight bit of hyperbole there William]
View quotes by William GallasMarriage is like life in this - that it is a
field of battle and not a bed of roses.
View quotes by Robert Louis StevensonTake rest; a
field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.
View quotes by OvidHave a feel for the medium and long-term trends in the
field that you are in.
View quotes by Lloyd DorfmanAn artist must only judge what he understands; his
field is just as restricted as any other specialists.
View quotes by Anton ChekhovI'm the oldest guy in the
field and I was playing until 9.30 the night before. [on Masters tennis]
View quotes by John McEnroeI think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a
field somewhere and don't notice it.
View quotes by Alice WalkerView Results: page 1
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