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'With love, you should go ahead and take the risk of getting hurt because love is an amazing feeling.'
View quotes by Britney Spears

I'm getting a trainer. But not to lose anything, because I like being a little thicker(!)
View quotes by Christina Aguilera

I don't get Robbie Williams. I think he seems rude and he's always getting his knickers off.
View quotes by Gwyneth Paltrow

On Sharon Stone (Quick and the Dead): 'She was instrumental about me getting my first American job. Absolutely, without her support, it would not have happened. At the same time, however, was it really about me or her wanting to flex her producerial muscles? I don't want to sound ungallant about the situation. But I didn't find that in working with her, that we clicked on any other level.'
View quotes by Russell Crowe

I'm grateful for doing those drugs, because they kept me from getting laid and I would have gotten AIDS.
View quotes by Steve Tyler

Writing songs is super intimate. It's a bit like getting naked.
View quotes by Gwen Stefani

I keep getting these extraordinary letters from American sports stars saying: 'I've always thought you were one pretty lady and now you're single I want to meet you for a drink.
View quotes by Liz Hurley

I was advised not to do Scream because no one likes horror movies. Then I heard, 'Don't audition because you can't do this bitchy role,' and 'You're way too friendly, no pun intended.' I was also told, 'Play the girlfriend or the doctor or the lawyer - the nice ones.' Now I'm getting scripts where I'm asked to play characters that are tough as nails, and I love it.
View quotes by Courtney Cox

It seems everyone in Hollywood is getting pinched, lifted and pulled. I'm looking weird because I'm not.
View quotes by Robert Redford

Every time I think that I'm getting old, and gradually going to the grave, something else happens.
View quotes by Elvis Presley

'I've got a black woolen hat and it's got PERVERT written across the front of it. It's the name of the clothing label. And I was with my wife and my baby at the supermarket and I didn't think. I just put my hat on Clara's head, because it was cold. And the looks. I couldn't figure out why I was getting death looks. And then I realized my 10-month old baby's wearing a hat with the word pervert written on it and these people were like, 'There's Satan! There's Satan out with his kid!' And then I made a point of her wearing it every time we went there.'
View quotes by Ewan McGregor

'I had extra thick light sabers because mine kept getting bent. I'd be halfway through a fight and it would be like 'Oops, sorry! Mine's bent again!''
View quotes by Ewan McGregor

Instead of getting married again, I'm going to find a woman I don't like and just give her a house
View quotes by Rod Stewart

"We are not getting married in Skibo Castle. If you always listen to rumours, you've got a lot to learn. It's probably going to happen in Disneyland. I like Mickey Mouse."
View quotes by Heather Mills

'It hurt but you pick yourself up and move on like nothing happened' - about not getting picked on Starsearch as a child
View quotes by Aaliyah

Harrison Ford may be getting old, but he can fight like a 28 year old man (on himself)
View quotes by Harrison Ford

He hits it long. His shoulders are impressively quick through the ball. That's where he's getting his power from. He's young and has great elasticity.
View quotes by Nick Faldo

"I'm just getting away with presenting until someone realises that I'm cr*p."
View quotes by Ralf Little

Getting old is a fascinating thing. The older you get, the older you want to get.
View quotes by Keith Richards

'I now know happiness isn't about being in the press, getting good reviews or always being seen as a winner. It's about doing what you enjoy through the highs and lows, accepting what's on your plate and making the most of it...'
View quotes by Darius Danesh

I'm not dead. I mean, I may be getting older, but I'm not dead!
View quotes by Sheryl Crow

There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.
View quotes by Oscar Wilde

The Govenment has tried everything to solve the problem of the coal industry - semi-starvation, imprisonment, extortion, threats, the supplication of the miner's leaders, and what is the almost omnipotence of Churchill's oratory. All have failed. There is one thing they have not tried. They haven't tried getting rid of the coal owners. For the one truth the Government has not yet learned is .... you can get coal without the coal owners, but you can't get coal without miners.
View quotes by Aneurin Bevan

To get it right, be born with luck or else make it. Never give up. Get the knack of getting people to help you and also pitch in yourself. A little money helps, but what really gets it right is to never - I repeat - never under any conditions face the facts.
View quotes by Ruth Gordon

Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires avid faith in yourself. That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with great inner drive, go so much further than people with vastly superior talent.
View quotes by Sophia Loren

"When I was 14, I was the oldest I ever was. I've been getting younger ever since."
View quotes by Shirley Temple

Kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can't see anything wrong with each other
View quotes by Gene Yasenak

In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity.
View quotes by Hunter S Thompson

Life is one long process of getting tired.
View quotes by Samuel Butler

Besides the noble art of getting things done there is the art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.
View quotes by Lin Yutang

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