Incredibly Quotes

Quote of the Day

I know very little about acting. I'm just an incredibly gifted faker.
View quotes by Robert Downey Jr

Sometimes I wake up, and I have forgotten how incredibly rich I am.
View quotes by Madonna

It's incredibly amazing. It's unlike anything that I've ever seen on daytime TV.
View quotes by John Cusimano

We’ve all met people who are supposedly incredibly intelligent but don’t know which way to sit on a lavatory.
View quotes by Stephen Fry

Normal love isn't interesting. I assure you that it's incredibly boring.
View quotes by Roman Polanski

We have worked incredibly hard to get to where we are today, we are not just about the high voices and nothing else as some people may have you believe.
View quotes by Barry Gibb

I think there's something incredibly sexy about a woman wearing her boyfriend's T-shirt and underwear.
View quotes by Calvin Klein

A good portrait is incredibly hard to create, there is too much temptation to pander to the individual rather than portray them as they really were.
View quotes by Philippe Halsman

I don't take myself terribly seriously. It's why I can be incredibly honest about my life. My problems aren't so different from anybody else. I believe that everybody comes from pain and a certain amount of dysfunction
View quotes by Mariel Hemingway

One thing that rugby is generally is incredibly fair, and with it being a team sport no individual is bigger than the game itself
View quotes by Jeremy Guscott

I have been incredibly privileged with my roles - after all I have had the chance to do some fantastic fun acting such as the Spice Girls Movie - who can ever forget that!
View quotes by Richard E Grant

I am a good person. I'm not craving limelight... I've got a hell of a lot riding on this. It might make me incredibly famous but it might not. It might take me back to where I am now, which would be devastating [on Big Brother]
View quotes by Faria Alam

I don't want my company to get incredibly large, nor can I be responsible for masses of people, nor do all those good dancers necessarily want to work for me, for a long period of time anyway.
View quotes by Siobhan Davies

I feel that the work that I have done in the comedy arena, is priceless in terms of what I learned, timing, everything that these incredibly talented performers were generous enough in teaching me.
View quotes by Khandi Alexander

America is a hurricane, and the only people who do not hear the sound are those fortunate if incredibly stupid and smug White Protestants who live in the center, in the serene eye of the big wind.

View quotes by Norman Mailer

I have been writing in spurts, bit by bit. It is incredibly difficult. Everything is corroded, broken, dismantled; everything is covered with hardened layers of accumulated insensitivity, deafness, entrenched routine. It is disgusting.
View quotes by Boris Pasternak

I'd need an incredibly talented make up artist to make me look natural! [Honesty from Donatella]
View quotes by Donatella Versace

This has been the most exhilarating, entertaining, tension-packed series there has ever been. It's a big statement to make but, let's be honest, we're talking about modern cricket here in the modern era - nothing matches this in any way. To witness and experience this has been a dream. The future looks incredibly rosey for England. [2005 Ashes]
View quotes by Jonathan Agnew

The countryside is incredibly boring. There's lots of shagging, lots of murders, lots of sarcasm, lots of treachery, and lots of bad cooking, but it's all hidden. You've got all the space and the flowers, but it's dull!
View quotes by Tom Baker

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