innings of neurotic violence, of eccentric watchfulness, of brainless impetuosity and incontinent savagery - it was an extraordinary
innings, a masterpiece and it secured the Ashes for England [on Pietersen's Ashes winning
innings, 2005]
View quotes by Simon BarnesWhat's the good of me going in? If I miss them I'm out and if I hit them I'm out. Let's start the next
View quotes by Billy ButtressI haven't scored runs for many
innings but I know I'll get over it.
View quotes by Sourav GangulyI am obviously very happy indeed with how the day went for me. It was nice to start my
innings off with 'Tres' at the other end.
View quotes by Ian BlackwellVaughan has scored just 84 runs from six
innings in the series [on being out of form against South Africa]
View quotes by Jonathan AgnewFor the parents of a Little Leaguer, a baseball game is simply a nervous breakdown into
View quotes by Earl WilsonIn the years 1910 and 1911 I had 51
innings with 10 not outs and an average of 19. This I consider a creditable record for a poet.
View quotes by Siegfried SassoonI woke up at 4am with my hands sweating and couldn't get back to sleep. I've been batting the
innings since then, and now it's finished I'm very happy.
[on scoring 375 vs England, Antigua 1994]
View quotes by Brian LaraAnd it was not until Kevin Pietersen came in and took the way things away from Australia that things really changed. It was a sensational
innings. [2005 Ashes win at the Oval]
View quotes by Marcus TrescothickI'm glad I didn't catch it now because he would have laughed so much that it would have been the end of his
innings. [on dropping a catch]
View quotes by Colin FlintoffI just don't think that will happen, I don't think we'll bat for long enough, to start with, for that to happen in this series. [on the possibility of Hayden reclaiming the world record for most test runs in an
View quotes by Ricky PontingThis is absolutely sensational. I was speechless when it all happened yesterday and I'm virtually speechless again today. I'm taking it all in and, I've got to say, this is great for the game of cricket. [on his Ashes-winning
innings at the Oval 2005]
View quotes by Kevin PietersenI had to play quite a gritty
innings early doors because it wasn't easy to time your shots and it wasn't easy to penetrate the field. [on finally getting a century for england]
View quotes by Paul CollingwoodI just hope, in all honesty, that Steve will walk if he hits it, you know what I mean? I would hate to be bringing up my bent finger as a controversial decision. I hope he'll go nice and easy - caught in the covers or bowled middle stump. I just hope he doesn't get his pads in the way or his bat's wide enough to get a thin edge [on Steve Waugh's last
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