[She] would be perfect in the Goth horror genre [on Nicole
View quotes by Stephen KingOn Nicole
Kidman: She's a mum in her thirties with slag's hair. Look at all that frizzy s**t! She thinks she's a girl.
View quotes by Isla FisherThe only acting you ever see at the Oscars is when people act like they're not mad they lost. Nicole
Kidman was smiling so wide, she should have won an Emmy at the Oscars for her great performance. I was like, 'If you'd done that in the movie, you'd have won an Oscar, girl!
View quotes by Chris RockOn good friend Nicole
'I've never worked with her. I met her through a couple good girlfriends of mine. She has a great sense of humor. She laughs easily. I like hanging out with people who laugh easily. Contrary to popular opinion, I like to be a little silly.'
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