Loca Quotes

Quote of the Day


They usually have two tellers in my local bank, except when it's very busy, when they have one.
View quotes by Rita Rudner

The holocaust is the solution to the Jews final question
View quotes by Adolf Hitler

Men enter local politics solely as a result of being unhappily married.
View quotes by C Northcote Parkinson

'Playing for Success is working tremendously well since its launch five years ago. It's getting lots of schoolkids more involved with their local sports teams while teaching them the basics in a way that interests them.' - on initiatives to improve English rugby
View quotes by Johnny Wilkinson

Playing for Success is working tremendously well since its launch five years ago. It's getting lots of schoolkids more involved with their local sports teams while teaching them the basics in a way that interests them.' - on initiatives to improve English rugby

View quotes by Jonny Wilkinson

One thinks of French philosophy that it aspires to the condition of literature or the condition of art, and that English and American philosophy aspires to the condition of science. French philosophy, one thinks of as picking up an idea and running with it, posibility into a nearby brick wall or over a local cliff, or something like that.
View quotes by Ted Honderich

A myth is, of course, not a fairy story. It is the presentation of facts belonging to one category in the idioms appropriate to another. To explore a myth is accordingly not to deny the facts but to re-allocate them.
View quotes by Gilbert Ryle

Locations are all tough, all miserable. I never left the sound stage for 18 years at Warners. We never went outside the studio, not even for big scenes.
View quotes by Bette Davis

Police in Washington D.C. are now using cameras to catch drivers who go through red lights. Many congressmen this week opposed the use of the red light cameras incorrectly assuming they were being used for surveillance at local brothels.
View quotes by Dennis Miller

I like working in different locations far away from Los Angeles.
View quotes by Stephen Dorff

It certainly seems contradictory of the [local] council to be encouraging parents to stop using their cars to take children to school but at the same time taking so long about the safe routes initiative.
View quotes by Sally Whittaker

Scientists announced that they have located the gene for alcoholism. Scientists say they found it at a party, talking way too loudly.
View quotes by Conan O'Brien

Nature is by and large to be found out of doors, a location where, it cannot be argued, there are never enough comfortable chairs.
View quotes by Fran Lebowitz

We didn't actually overspend our budget. The health Commission allocation simply fell short of our expenditure.
View quotes by Frank A Clark

All the great things have been denied and we live in an intricacy of new and local mythologies, political, economic, poetic, which are asserted with an ever-enlarging incoherence.

View quotes by Wallace Stevens

Chesterfield, 1, Chester, 1. Another score draw in that local derby.
View quotes by Des Lynam

Well, the streakers are at it again. This time at a local football game just outside of Boston.
View quotes by Laddy Glick

On my way here I passed a local cinema and it turned out you were expecting me after all, for the billboards read: The Mummy Returns.
View quotes by Margaret Thatcher

The highway is replete with culinary land mines disguised as quaint local restaurants that carry such reassuring names as Millie's, Pop's and Capt'n Dick's.
View quotes by Bryan Miller

Creative activity could be described as a type of learning process where teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.
View quotes by Arthur Koestler

Just in terms of allocation of time resources, religion is not very efficient. There's a lot more I could be doing on a Sunday morning.
View quotes by Bill Gates

In every town, city and constituency, local people will overall pay less tax than they do under council tax.

The total sum raised under our proposals on local income tax is no more than the total sum presently being raised by council tax, full stop.

But not less and we are not saying less.
View quotes by Charles Kennedy

There were issues to do with Stobhill Hospital, local health services and the campaign to save Bishopbriggs post office.
View quotes by Jo Swinson

I don't think we can go into important local elections next year... with Tony Blair as leader and expect to keep many of the councillors we've got now
View quotes by Frank Dobson

My objective is to restore a sense of purpose and unity, particularly with the local government elections ahead
View quotes by Sir Menzies Campbell

You can't buy one of them at a local superstore - it takes years and years [ a good one day bowler]
View quotes by Darren Gough

We must become the party not of excellence for the few, but a first class local school for everyone
View quotes by David Cameron

Imagine you live in a town of twenty, or fifty, or one hundred thousand souls - in Indiana, perhaps, or Illinois, or Missouri, or Tennessee - with a colonnaded red-brick city hall at its center, a Main Street running its breadth, avenues rimmed with modest bungalows and named for trees and exotic heroes and local luminaries, interrupted at intervals by high-steepled churches
View quotes by Rick Perlstein

Appreciate the power of rumor, often malicious, no matter how preposterous, within the local populations you are seeking to help.
View quotes by Alvin Adams

We have vitally important Scottish Parliament, Welsh Assembly and English Local Authority elections next year and we must resolve this matter well in advance of these. [to Blair when resigning]
View quotes by David Wright

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