Notion Quotes

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My notion of a wife at 40 is that a man should be able to change her, like a bank note, for two 20s.
View quotes by Warren Beatty

Mother goddesses are just as silly a notion as father gods
View quotes by Angela Carter

The Christian notion of the possibility of redemption is incomprehensible to the computer.
View quotes by Vance Packard

We must overcome the notion that we must be regular... it robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre.
View quotes by Uta Hagen

On Sylvester Stallone: 'You have this preconceived notion of him as a big, tough guy, but he speaks four languages and he likes to watercolor.'
View quotes by Rachael Leigh Cook

Well, yes, my sources suggest that there's a lot of support for the notion that there is a lot of Koran abuse and that it was very much a systematic design, not just an aberration.
View quotes by Jane Mayer

To set up as a standard of public morality a notion which can neither be defined nor conceived is to open the door to every kind of tyranny.
View quotes by Simone Weil

He world is full of people whose notion of a satisfactory future is, in fact, a return to the idealised past.

View quotes by Robertson Davies

The only thing I was fit for was to be a writer, and this notion rested solely on my suspicion that I would never be fit for real work, and that writing didn't require any.
View quotes by Russell Baker

I have been thinking about the notion of perfect love as being without fear, and what that means for us in a world that's becoming increasingly xenophobic, tortured by fundamentalism and nationalism.
View quotes by Bell Hooks

Once you touch the biographies of human beings, the notion that political beliefs are logically determined collapses like a pricked balloon.
View quotes by Walter Lippmann

Our notion of the perfect society embraces the family as its center and ornament, and this paradise is not secure until children appear to animate and complete the picture.
View quotes by Amos Bronson Alcott

The notion that one will not survive a particular catastrophe is, in general terms, a comfort since it is equivalent to abolishing the catastrophe.
View quotes by Iris Murdoch

The notion of religious liberty is that you cannot be forced to participate in a religious ceremony that's not of your choosing simply because you're out-voted.
View quotes by Ira Glasser

We never fully grasp the import of any true statement until we have a clear notion of what the opposite untrue statement would be.
View quotes by William James

Not wishing to be disturbed over moral issues of the political economy, Americans cling to the notion that the government is a sort of automatic machine, regulated by the balancing of competing interests.
View quotes by C Wright Mills

The notion that the public accepts or rejects anything in modern art is merely romantic fiction. The game is completed and the trophies distributed long before the public knows what has happened.
View quotes by Tom Wolfe

We must recover the element of quality in our traditional pursuit of equality. We must not, in opening our schools to everyone, confuse the idea that all should have equal chance with the notion that all have equal endowments.
View quotes by Adlai Stevenson

Democracy arises out of the notion that those who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects; because men are equally free, they claim to be absolutely equal.
View quotes by Aristotle

I have a notion that gamblers are as happy as most people, being always excited; women, wine, fame, the table, even ambition, sate now and then, but every turn of the card and cast of the dice keeps the gambler alive - besides one can game ten times longer than one can do any thing else.

View quotes by Lord Byron

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