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Power is only too happy to make football bear a diabolical responsibility for stupifying the masses
View quotes by Jean Baudrillard

We will fight this war on terror with every resource of our national power.
View quotes by George W Bush

During the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that conditions called war; and such a war, as if of every man, against every man.
View quotes by Thomas Hobbes

Few influential people involved with the Internet claim that it is a good in and of itself. It is a powerful tool for solving social problems, just as it is a tool for making money, finding lost relatives, receiving medical advice, or, come to that, trading instructions for making bombs.
View quotes by Esther Dyson

Gardening, I told myself, is the most sociable of hobbies. The very nature of one's field of activities demands an audience. No one wants flowers to blush unseen or waste their sweetness.
View quotes by Barbara Cheney

Boyfriends have to understand my needs. I shower four times a day.
View quotes by Anna Kournikova

I'm not into being a celebrity. I'm not about to start demanding four blue candles, three black towels and two beers everywhere I go.
View quotes by Dane Bowers

'I'd move to Los Angeles,' he once said, 'if Australia and New Zealand were swallowed by a huge tidal wave, if there was a bubonic plague in Europe and if Africa disappeared from some Martian attack.' Heat magazine, 4-12 May 2000.
View quotes by Russell Crowe

'Six months before he died, my grand-father came to Australia to try to explain to me that he was dying. I was a young kid, very much into myself at the time. I was busking on the streets just to make enough money to pay my rent, There was this Japanese restaurant I'd always wanted to eat at but couldn't afford, so I suggested we go there.' It was an unfortunate choice. In Weans' weakened condition, the smell of the rice and soya sauce brought back memories of the Second World War. 'We couldn't have the talk he wanted to,' says Crowe. 'The day he died, I was in the kitchen of a flat in Woollarah, (an eastern suburb of Sydney). 'Suddenly a kookaburra bird flew in the window. It just looked at me. I knew my grandfather had died. I phoned home and my mother confirmed it. 'I insisted the bird was my grandfather's spirit, but my mom would have nothing of it.' One day last year, Crowe had a dream in which he was holding his mother and she was crying. He phoned home immediately. 'My mother said a woman who had worked closely with my grandfather had come to visit and, without prompting, had told her that on the day my grandfather died a bird had visited her as well. 'Learning this had reduced my mother to tears.' Crowe says he believes that 'with all this talk of angels, maybe they are just birds sent to us by those who have crossed over.' Tuesday, March 14, 2000
View quotes by Russell Crowe

On Sharon Stone (Quick and the Dead): 'She was instrumental about me getting my first American job. Absolutely, without her support, it would not have happened. At the same time, however, was it really about me or her wanting to flex her producerial muscles? I don't want to sound ungallant about the situation. But I didn't find that in working with her, that we clicked on any other level.'
View quotes by Russell Crowe

On his own history with mathematics, and connection with John Nash: 'I had a bit of a hiccup in the third year of high school. The school I was at hired a non-English speaking Hungarian who was a professional of some great standing in Eastern Europe. But he hadn't learned the English language yet. He probably is a great asset to the teaching staff now, but we were his first class. That was when mathematics and I parted ways.

'There's a lot of mathematics in music. It's all in groups of eight, mate, y'know. The one thing that I may have in common with John is that the subject matter I do know, the driving part of my life, my work life, there's a point where structure and scaffolding is left behind and intuition takes over. That's the difference between John and the next 100 mathematicians. He's fully prepared to leave the scaffolding behind and get into the ether of the equation and find the answer quicker. The bane of his existence, however, is finding the proof.'
View quotes by Russell Crowe

The power of a man, to take it universally, is his present means, to obtain some future apparent good; and is either original or instrumental. (Leviathan)
View quotes by Thomas Hobbes

I couldn't have found a better man than Brad. He still opens doors for me and brings me flowers. He's the sweetest goofball on the planet.
View quotes by Jennifer Aniston

A quality education has the power to transform societies in a single generation, provide children with the protection they need from the hazards of poverty, labor exploitation and disease, and given them the knowledge, skills, and confidence to reach their full potential.
View quotes by Audrey Hepburn

You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named 'Bush', 'Dick', and 'Colon.' Need I say more?
View quotes by Chris Rock

If I showed you scripts from my first few movies, the descriptions of my characters all said 'the ugly girl'.
View quotes by Winona Ryder

I haven't seen the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Louvre. I haven't seen anything. I don't really care.
View quotes by Tyra Banks

My favourite look was the French maid's outfit with garters and fishnets. I showed my mum a polaroid and she laughed. I was like, 'Mum, that's me at work today.'
View quotes by Jennifer Love Hewitt

Woman, a pleasing but a short-lived flower, Too soft for business and too weak for power: A wife in bondage, or neglected maid: Despised, if ugly: if she's fair, betrayed. (An Essay on Woman)
View quotes by Mary Leapor

I push this one button and the shower goes on and I think, where the f*ck am I?
View quotes by Ozzy Ozbourne

When the sun sets, shadows, that showed at noon But small, appear most long and terrible. (Oedipus)
View quotes by Nathaniel Lee

When the power of love conquers the love of power then the world will know peace.
View quotes by Jimi Hendrix

I've heard them lilting, at the ewe milking. Lasses a'lilting, before dawn of day; But now they are moaning, on ilka green loaning; The flowers of the forest are a' wede away. (The Flowers of the Forest)
View quotes by Jane Elliott

I saw also that there was an ocean of darkness and death, but an infinite ocean of light and love, which flowed over the ocean of darkness. (Journal)
View quotes by George Fox

He hits it long. His shoulders are impressively quick through the ball. That's where he's getting his power from. He's young and has great elasticity.
View quotes by Nick Faldo

My greatest point is my persistence. I never give up in a match. However down I am, I fight until the last ball. My list of matches shows that I have turned a great many so-called irretrievable defeats into victories.
View quotes by Bjorn Borg

On the birth of her 2nd son Owen. 'I wanted to give birth as opposed to being delivered!'
View quotes by Ricki Lake

I don't believe in elitism. I don't think the audience is this dumb person lower than me. I am the audience.
View quotes by Quentin Tarantino

On fellow judge Simon Cowell: "Simon is very demonstrative, very old-school music biz. He calls me darling but he is definitely not gay."
View quotes by Neil Fox

On fellow Popstars judge Simon Cowell: I welcome him like I welcome cold sores. He's from England, he's angry and he's got Mad Power Disease.
View quotes by Paula Abdul

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