I have not yet begun to fight (as his ship was sinking, 23
September 1779)
View quotes by John Paul Jones'The media like drama so it's 'She's in Hell.' And I'm like no, I had a bad day in February and a bad day in
September but a brilliant summer.'
View quotes by BjorkThe events of
September 11 were carried out by people armed not with weapons of mass destruction, but with blades you can buy at a newsagent
View quotes by Phillip AdamsMy heart goes out to the people who were affected by this, it reminds me so much of 11
September. [on the London terrorist attack, 7th July 2005]
View quotes by Rudolph GiulianiPresenting Saturday mornings has been a dream for a long time. And one day in
September I am going to wake up very early and it will be a reality. I can't wait.
View quotes by Fearne CottonHe's the one guy I can credit for making me think about marriage in a whole new light, because every guy I've had in my life has either lied or cheated me financially or business-wise, or taken advantaged of me. [On Jordan - Jane
September 2004]
View quotes by Christina AguileraI've never been happier, like with the people in my life. It's happening little by little, to the point where I'm able to feel peace. It doesn't feel like such a battle. It feels okay now. [Jane
September 2004]
View quotes by Christina AguileraShe is cool. It's good to have older friends in the business, because they've seen it and they've done it. A lot of madness they've gone through, you can relate to. It's cool being able to vent sometimes and have someone truly understand. [On Sharon Stone - Jane
September 2004]
View quotes by Christina AguileraThirty days hath November,
April, June, and
February hath twenty-eight alone,
And all the rest have thirty-one.
View quotes by Richard GraftonThe young man who, at the end of
September, 1924, dismounted from a taxicab in South Square, Westminster, was so unobtrusively American that his driver had some hesitation in asking for double his fare. The young man had no hesitation in refusing it
View quotes by John GalsworthyThese terrorists attacked without warning on 11
September 2001. They have attacked in Madrid, in Jakarta, in Morocco.
This is a worldwide war against ideals. There is no separate peace to be made with terrorism.
They are after our way of life and we have to deal with them. There is no other way other than with strength. [on the London terrorist attack, 7th July 2005]
View quotes by Condoleezza RiceSeptember 11 definitely opened our eyes, but when I was 19 or whatever on the last record, we just didn't care about anything. We were too young to care about anything. And then as you get older, you don't really have any excuse to be stupid anymore, to be in the dark. That just kind of opened everyone's eyes (which I probably wish it did to more people) that there's obviously something wrong, to try and figure out what it is and what's going on in the world.
View quotes by Deryck Whibley'Make America what we want it to be — a literate country and a hopefuller country.' —Washington, D.C., Jan. 11, 2001
'Natural gas is hemispheric. I like to call it hemispheric in nature because it is a product that we can find in our neighborhoods.'
Austin, Texas, Dec. 20, 2000
'I knew it might put him in an awkward position that we had a discussion before finality has finally happened in this presidential race.'
Describing a phone call to Sen. John Breaux. Crawford, Texas, Dec. 2, 2000
'The legislature's job is to write law. It's the executive branch's job to interpret law.'
Austin, Texas, Nov. 22, 2000
'They misunderestimated me.'
Bentonville, Ark., Nov. 6, 2000
'They want the federal government controlling Social Security like it's some kind of federal program.'
St. Charles, Mo., Nov. 2, 2000
'The only things that I can tell you is that every case I have reviewed I have been comfortable with the innocence or guilt of the person that I've looked at. I do not believe we've put a guilty... I mean innocent person to death in the state of Texas.'
-All Things Considered, NPR, June 16, 2000
BUSH: 'First of all, Cinco de Mayo is not the independence day. That's dieciseis de Septiembre, and ...'
MATTHEWS: 'What's that in English?' BUSH: 'Fifteenth of September.' (Dieciseis de Septiembre = Sept. 16)
-Hardball, MSNBC, May 31, 2000
'It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it.'
-Reuters, May 5, 2000
'Will the highways on the Internet become more few?'
-Concord, N.H., Jan. 29, 2000
'This is Preservation Month. I appreciate preservation. It's what you do when you run for president. You gotta preserve.'
-Speaking during 'PERSEVERENCE Month' at Fairgrounds Elementary School in Nashua, N.H. As quoted in the Los Angeles Times, Jan. 28, 2000
'What I am against is quotas. I am against hard quotas, quotas they basically delineate based upon whatever. However they delineate, quotas, I think vulcanize society. So I don't know how that fits into what everybody
else is saying, their relative positions, but that's my position.'
-The San Francisco Chronicle, Jan. 21, 2000
'Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?'
-Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000
'Gov. Bush will not stand for the subsidation of failure.'
'I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is underestimating.'
-U.S. News & World Report, April 3, 2000
View quotes by George W Bush
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