Shelf Quotes

Quote of the Day

I have the heart of a child. I keep it in a jar on my shelf.
View quotes by Robert Bloch

There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life
View quotes by Frank Zappa

The shelf life of the modern hardback writer is somewhere between the milk and the yoghurt
View quotes by Calvin Trillin

The shelf life of the modern hardback writer is somewhere between the milk and the yogurt.
View quotes by John Mortimer

People find ideas a bore because they do not distinguish between live ones and stuffed ones on a shelf.
View quotes by Ezra Pound

I've still got one bottle in the boot of the car from when I was Man of the Match a couple of weeks ago. I'll have to put the two of them on a shelf with dates and opponents on labels - because my celebration tipple is a nice cup of Rosie Lea!
View quotes by Clarke Carlisle

You don't want to get rid of your experiences, because they're your experiences - good or bad - and you need them, but it would be great if they weren't on the video shelf!
View quotes by Jennifer Connelly

Whilst I am not advocating the censorship and prohibition of such literature for adults, there must be safeguards in place to protect minors from this obscene material [on wanting to move 'lads mags' to the top shelf]
View quotes by Claire Curtis-Thomas

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