Ups Quotes

Quote of the Day


I think pre-nups are brilliant. I get very well taken care of.
View quotes by Catherine Zeta Jones

I can't believe people got so upset at the sight of a single breast! America is so parochial, I may just have to move to Europe where people are more mature about things like that!
View quotes by Janet Jackson

On his own history with mathematics, and connection with John Nash: 'I had a bit of a hiccup in the third year of high school. The school I was at hired a non-English speaking Hungarian who was a professional of some great standing in Eastern Europe. But he hadn't learned the English language yet. He probably is a great asset to the teaching staff now, but we were his first class. That was when mathematics and I parted ways.

'There's a lot of mathematics in music. It's all in groups of eight, mate, y'know. The one thing that I may have in common with John is that the subject matter I do know, the driving part of my life, my work life, there's a point where structure and scaffolding is left behind and intuition takes over. That's the difference between John and the next 100 mathematicians. He's fully prepared to leave the scaffolding behind and get into the ether of the equation and find the answer quicker. The bane of his existence, however, is finding the proof.'
View quotes by Russell Crowe

'I'm a perfectionist. I can't help it, I get really upset with myself if I fail in the least.'
View quotes by Justin Timberlake

Sleep is when all the unsorted stuff comes flying out as from a dustbin upset in a high wind.
View quotes by William Golding

Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.
View quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche

Small minds are much distressed by little things. Great minds see them all but are not upset by them.
View quotes by Duc De La Rochefoucauld

We allow our ignorance to prevail upon us and make us think we can survive alone, alone in patches, alone in groups, alone in races, even alone in genders.
View quotes by Maya Angelou

When a pile of cups is tottering on the edge of the table and you warn that they will crash to the ground, in South Africa you are blamed when that happens.
View quotes by Desmond Tutu

A corner draft fluttered the flame, and the white fever of temptation, upswept its angel wings that cast, a cruciform shadow.
View quotes by Boris Pasternak

Remember, a dead fish can float downstream, but it takes a live one to swim upstream.
View quotes by W C Fields

The kids all knew me from Wayne's World. The grown-ups knew me after True Lies.
View quotes by Tia Carrere

To act upset, I think of cold things - don't ask me why!
View quotes by Tom Felton

I said to this priest: 'Am I expected to believe that if I went out and had an affair that God was really going to be upset? Okay, thou shalt not kill... steal... but thou shalt not commit adultery? If no one is any the wiser, what the hell difference does it make?' He was lovely. He told me the Commandments were laid down for a lot of guys living in the desert
View quotes by Diana Dors

I have absolutely no hang-ups about modeling nude. I think if the pictures
are really tasteful and classy I think it's a beautiful thing.
View quotes by Lisa Boyle

It has been a fantastic ride for the past 20 years. Ups and downs, to be sure, but filled with great satisfaction in building this wonderful creator of classic American culture into one of the premier entertainment-orientated companies in the world. [resignation speech]
View quotes by Michael Eisner

Whatever talents I possess may suddenly diminish or suddenly increase. I can with ease become an ordinary fool. I may be one now. But it doesn't do to upset one's own vanity.
View quotes by Dylan Thomas

Why not upset the apple cart? If you don't, the apples will rot anyway.
View quotes by Frank A Clark

The progress of evolution from President Washington to President Grant was alone evidence to upset Darwin.
View quotes by Henry Adams

You have to show violence the way it is. If you don't show it realistically, then that's immoral and harmful. If you don't upset people, then that's obscenity.
View quotes by Roman Polanski

The greatest influence came from the television and the proliferation of magazines that included contents on pop groups. I believe that at the end of the 1970s, like is happening now, pop and rock were practically separated in the eyes of the public and critics, who considered the first more frivolous and easy and the second more serious and prestigious.
View quotes by Gary Kemp

You wake up and hear [Harold] Shipman has topped himself. And you think, is it too early to open a bottle? Then you discover everybody's upset. You have be very cautious in this job.
View quotes by David Blunkett

There's no point in asking focus groups. I go down the pub and hear about it there.
View quotes by Liam Fox

Whenever I was upset by something in the papers, Jack always told me to be more tolerant, like a horse flicking away flies in the summer.
View quotes by Jackie Kennedy

A coalition of groups is waging a massive propaganda campaign against the president of the United States. An all-out attack. Their aim is total victory for themselves and total defeat for him.
View quotes by Gerald Ford

John Bond has blackened my name with his insinuations about the private lives of football managers. Both my wives are upset.
View quotes by Malcolm Allison

Nelson Mandela was so upset, he called Bush's dad. How embarrassing, when world leaders start calling your father. [on the Iraq war]
View quotes by Jay Leno

America Online customers are upset because the company has decided to allow advertising in its chat rooms. I can see why: you got computer sex, you can download pornography, people are making dates with 10 year-olds. Hey, what's this? A Pepsi ad? They're ruining the integrity of the Internet!
View quotes by Jay Leno

Trying to explain this performance is like trying to row upstream in a barbed wire canoe.
View quotes by Shaun McNally

I'm upset. There was nothing like pulling on the red shirt [on retiring from Welsh international football]
View quotes by Robbie Savage

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