Philip Green Quotes

Philip Green quotations
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Quotes by

Philip Green

I'm going to send him an ice bucket, witha note attached - 'Stick your head in it' - instead of the Champagne. [on Stuart Rose, Chief Exec M&S]
Philip Green quote

You know the Priory? I've got a permanent room booked there in case I ever think about it.
Philip Green quote

I'm in the retail business, not the circus business.
Philip Green quote

If I come bumper to bumper with you on Monday, I'm going to punch your headlights out. [on Stuart Rose]
Philip Green quote

He's gone from being at the Hampstead Theatre to appearing at the Palladium [on Stuart Rose, again]
Philip Green quote

Life moves on and anyway I think I'm in a better seat than he is. Why would I want to be in Stress City, which is somewhere near Paddington? [on Stuart Rose]
Philip Green quote

The advice I would give them [graduates] is whatever you are going to do, if you don't enjoy it, don't do it.
Philip Green quote


Owner of BHS

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