Chantelle Houghton Quotes

Chantelle Houghton quotations
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Chantelle Houghton

I'll never change. I'm just little old me. [upon winning]
Chantelle Houghton quote

I don't fancy Preston... I realise what it is is that I trust him.
Chantelle Houghton quote

First I will be able to pay the debts I owe my mum; once that's out of the way I don't know, go shopping.
Chantelle Houghton quote

Make up, clothes, orange lipstick - I need one of them, I love that. I've got to make sure I get a stock of that.
Chantelle Houghton quote

I just can't believe what's going on at the moment. I just can't believe this is real. Is this another task or something? I'm just like wowzers.
Chantelle Houghton quote

Yes I had a part in Preston splitting up but then there was obviously problems in their relationship anyway.
Chantelle Houghton quote

Oh My God! It wasn't a dream!
Chantelle Houghton quote

I like stripy things!
Chantelle Houghton quote


Winner of celebrity Big Brother 2006, which technically makes her a celebrity. If you still know who she is in a few months (from Jan 2006) then maybe, just maybe, she really is!

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Chantelle Houghton Keywords

Celebrity, Months, Jan, Technically, Brother, Makes, Winner
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