I've got a black woolen hat and it's got PERVERT written across the front of it. It's the name of the clothing label. And I was with my wife and my baby at the supermarket and I didn't think. I just put my hat on Clara's head, because it was cold. And the looks. I couldn't figure out why I was getting death looks. And then I realized my 10-month old baby's wearing a hat with the word pervert written on it and these people were like, 'There's Satan! There's Satan out with his kid!' And then I made a point of her wearing it every time we went there.
- Ewan McGregor
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Category: Celebrity Quotes
Quote Tags: Hat, Pervert, Satan, Wearing, Looks, Written, Realized, Baby's, 10-month, Point, Kid, Head, Wife, Label, Baby
Quotation source / reference: unknown
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