Hugh Grant Quotes

Hugh Grant quotations
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Hugh Grant [Autograph]

I've been through hundreds of people working for us because I fancy them all - there is something wrong with me. I like that whole thing about being the boss.
Hugh Grant quote

Basically, my life is so boring, it's embarrassing.
Hugh Grant quote

The moral of film-making in Britain is that you will be f***ed by the weather.
Weather | Hugh Grant quote

I do, kind of, want to ram their microphones down their patronising throats' - on being called posh by the media
Hugh Grant quote

'With 2 movies opening this summer, I have no relaxing time at all. Whatever I have is spent in a drunken stupor.'
Hugh Grant quote

'I whimper like a little girl.' - when he has bad dreams
Hugh Grant quote

'I don't particularly like babies. I don't mind them for about four minutes. That's my max. After that I can't quite see what everyone's fussing about.'
Hugh Grant quote

'Women are frightening. If you get to 41 as a man, you're quite battle-scarred.'
Hugh Grant quote


British actor, famous for his Notting Hill and Bridget Jones Diary performances, and his now absent floppy fringe

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