John Barrowman Quotes

John Barrowman quotations
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Quotes by

John Barrowman

In my house in Chelsea, with my partner and my two dogs: two men farting and two dogs farting! [On what happens when he wakes up, gross!]
John Barrowman quote

Get some dance lessons [on his advice to Keith Jack from any dream will do]
John Barrowman quote

I once crapped myself on stage, I was doing a dance number and I thought I'd have a little fart and I ended up kicking sh&t over people!
John Barrowman quote

I think I'm really organised, but I'm not.
John Barrowman quote

I don't like female masseuses because they are not strong enough!
John Barrowman quote

Fit men walking around and bathing, it would be just like being in Ancient Rome [on a footballers dressing room]
John Barrowman quote


Celebrity actor and musical star

John Barrowman Keywords

Star, Musical, Actor, Celebrity
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