Jude Law Quotes

Jude Law quotations
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Jude Law [Autograph]

I have no problems with nudity. My friend Ewan and I are starkers in most of our films.
Jude Law quote

His days as leading man could be over [a close source on recent flops]
Jude Law quote

There is no defence for my actions which I sincerely regret. [on an affair with nanny Daisy Wright]
Jude Law quote

I just want to say I am deeply ashamed and upset that I've hurt Sienna and the people most close to us. [on an affair with nanny Daisy Wright]
Jude Law quote

You can't spend your whole life apologising. Hopefully you move forward and learn not to do it again.
Jude Law quote

Landing a role now is not based on my looks - more on my acting ability.
Jude Law quote


Star of the big screen, lived in London with wife Sadie Frost and their children before their public split

Jude Law Keywords

Sadie, Frost, Wife, Screen, London, Star
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