Kate Beckinsale Quotes

Kate Beckinsale quotations
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Kate Beckinsale [Autograph]

I find American behaviour...odd
Kate Beckinsale quote

With every project you do, you bring out a part of yourself, and it seems to be quite a good way of expanding a person.
Kate Beckinsale quote

As a mother, you feel much more vulnerable. And when you're vulnerable, you're a much better actress.
Kate Beckinsale quote

I always felt that anorexia was the form of breakdown most readily available to adolescent girls.
Kate Beckinsale quote

If someone had told me years ago that sharing a sense of humour was so vital to partnerships, I could have avoided a lot of sex!
Kate Beckinsale quote

People should realise women aren't just whores or virgins, I want to see women who are real human beings.
Kate Beckinsale quote

I'm a hypochondriac, so the idea of botulism scares me. I'd probably be the one person who'd end up paralysed by Botox from the neck down.
Kate Beckinsale quote

If someone had told me years ago that sharing a sense of humour was so vital to partnerships, I could have avoided a lot of sex!
Kate Beckinsale quote


British thespian who has successfully moved to Hollywood

Kate Beckinsale Keywords

Hollywood, Successfully, Thespian, British
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