Lee Ryan Quotes

Lee Ryan quotations
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Lee Ryan [Autograph]

When you go to clubs in London there are loads of good-looking blokes, and I feel like a bit of a minger
Lee Ryan quote

My perfect girl would be pretty mad, but one you can have a conversation with. No one can be too mad for me, the madder the better. I love crazy chicks.
Lee Ryan quote

I'm an expert at kissing girls necks, they love it. Girls say I'm quite sensitive, but I'm hyperactive too.
Lee Ryan quote

If I fancy a girl, i'll tell her. I'll say: 'You're fit
Lee Ryan quote

I was brought up with psychics and tarot cards. My mum was always told I was going to be in a boy band and be famous as a singer.
Lee Ryan quote


In the band Blue

Lee Ryan Keywords

Blue, Band
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