Leona Lewis Quotes

Leona Lewis quotations
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Leona Lewis

To win the X Factor would mean the world to me and my family. I'd buy mum and dad a house and then I think I would buy myself a car and have a little shopping trip.
Leona Lewis quote

I've had tonsilitis and I'm not sure if I can sing on Saturday [whilst out on the town in the West End]
Leona Lewis quote

People have been kind enough to compare me to Celine Dion, Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston. I think it's amazing that they even put my name in the same sentence.
Leona Lewis quote

I love horses and I'd love to meet up with Jordan sometime and go riding. I've been trying to get my own horse for a long time.
Leona Lewis quote

Simon's asked me to go on this series of X-Factor and I can't wait. But I'd never be a judge. No matter how bad people were I'd just put them through
Leona Lewis quote

Amy Winehouse is an amazing and talented artist... A performers privacy is taken away. The media are always there. You can't make your mistakes in private.
Leona Lewis quote


X-factor contestant

Leona Lewis Keywords

Contestant, X-factor
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