Matt Damon Quotes

Matt Damon quotations
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Matt Damon [Autograph]

Success is not something I've wrapped my brain around. If people go to those movies, then yes, that's true, big-time success. If not, it's much ado about nothing.
Matt Damon quote

It's my final shot at giving up. He was recommended by so many people [on news Damon is using a hypnotist to stop smoking]
Matt Damon quote

Right before The Bourne Identity came out, I hadn't been offered a movie in a year.
Matt Damon quote

I never wanted to do the same kind of movies over and over anyway, so my theory on it all is I'm just gonna try and dodge the label and keep doing what I am doing.
Matt Damon quote

Eventually stardom is going to go away from me.
Matt Damon quote

Honestly, if I get a vacation I'm going to go and sit on my couch in New York cause that's the one place I haven't been for a very long time.
Matt Damon quote

People were stepping on our faces trying to get to Brad [on filming with him]
Matt Damon quote



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