Nastassja Kinski Quotes

Nastassja Kinski quotations
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Nastassja Kinski

I often feel with God and humans and angels that it's up to us to make something or to break it, to do things or not do them.
Nastassja Kinski quote

I love running, swimming and riding, sleeping and eating, reading and loving things that everybody likes
Nastassja Kinski quote

I can fall into a depression just to experience something new
Nastassja Kinski quote

I do wear lipstick because when I suddenly get pale or green, it seems whole blood goes away
Nastassja Kinski quote

Water for me is so essential, like swimming
Nastassja Kinski quote

I'm pretty much a vegetarian, but I do eat fish and sometimes chicken
Nastassja Kinski quote

It's so great to love somebody and, out of that, to make a child. So that's my goal
Nastassja Kinski quote

It's true what people say - that actors are the closest thing there is to children. They play
Nastassja Kinski quote



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