Paul McCartney Quotes

Paul McCartney quotations
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Paul McCartney [Autograph]

I don't take me seriously. If we get some giggles, I don't mind.
Paul McCartney quote

We didn't all get into music for a job! We got into music to avoid a job, in truth - and get lots of girls.
Music | Paul McCartney quote

The thing is that Heather is for real. If someone is distressing her, she really takes it to heart.
Paul McCartney quote

Imagine losing a leg, and dealing with it as bravely as Heather has done and having to read that on top of it.
Paul McCartney quote

It hurts me to see her wounded by these scurrilous reports, and not have anyone to put the record straight.
Paul McCartney quote

It is true that I colour my hair... but it's certainly nothing Heather suggested.
Paul McCartney quote

I was afraid to take my suit off in case I got raped. But I knew you had to keep your spirits up. So I organised sing-songs.
Paul McCartney quote

We got into music to avoid a job, and get lots of girls.
Paul McCartney quote


Rich and famous singer who became famous through the Beatles

Paul McCartney Keywords

Famous, Beatles, Singer, Rich
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