Pixie Lott Quotes

Pixie Lott quotations
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Pixie Lott

Italia Conti is more about musical theatre and it's not really the pop side of things, and that's why I had to go out by myself.
Pixie Lott quote

Four years ago, I went for an audition in The Stage newspaper that was looking for the 'next pop diva'.
Pixie Lott quote

I always prefer to write songs about emotional situations and heartbreak.
Pixie Lott quote

It's got the soul element, like Duffy, but it's not very retro. It's a contemporary, pop, fresh sound. That's what makes it different. [on her music.
Pixie Lott quote

People would go up to my mum and say, 'you should do something with her' and that\'s how we realised I had a good singing voice.
Pixie Lott quote



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