Renee Zellweger Quotes

Renee Zellweger quotations
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Renee Zellweger [Autograph]

Being horrible in a big film is a quicker nosedive than doing an obscure film and making no money.'
Renee Zellweger quote

I suppose I don't really have a type that I usually go for. I've never realy gone for the 'good guy' or the 'motorcycle guy' or the 'bad guy'...
Renee Zellweger quote

My Oscar? It's fake, it's phoney... Like I went to the shop and bought it.
Renee Zellweger quote

I still feel like I've crashed the party. [on fame]
Renee Zellweger quote

It was a sad day when I had to retire the C-cup bra to the underwear drawer.
Renee Zellweger quote

Because I'm a little person and I don't have a choice [on why she lost the weight from Bridget Jones filming]
Renee Zellweger quote

I'm not ashamed. We all start somewhere but I knew it would come back to haunt me [on her lapdancing past]
Renee Zellweger quote


Star of Bridget Jones Diary

Renee Zellweger Keywords

Diary, Jones, Bridget, Star
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