I have been stupid and regret making a silly mistake experimenting with drugs. - Richard Bacon
I have been stupid and regret making a silly mistake experimenting with drugs.
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Category: Celebrity Quotes
Quote Tags: Mistake, Silly, Experimenting, Drugs, Stupid, Regret
Quotation source / reference: unknown
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Richard Bacon - the man that famously "let down the millions of children who watch Blue Peter" after taking cocaine. But he seems to have bounced back from the shame - he was on Big Brother for a while (the demeaning role of going round houses at stupid o'clock in the morning knocking on doors).
After that, he disappeared for a bit, before entering DJ'ing on Radio 5 Live. His stock seems to have risen more lately, and he presents a Capital FM show famed for it's bizarre choice of cheesy jingles (very student radio). Richard also alleged he was married to Britney Spears and some elements of the media believed it to be true. But here at Saidwhat, we're not fooled.
If you think Blue Peter presenters are all clean living types, then read this article at BBC News, telling of former porn star presenters, and the use of Blue Peter badges to bribe police officers. Priceless.
Author Keywords: Peter, Blue, Richard, Radio, Presenters, Media, Star
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