I am always crazy for hot women. I am like a rabbit. I could do it anytime, anywhere (Rod giving us too much information)
Rod Stewart quote Instead of getting married again, I'm going to find a woman I don't like and just give her a house
Rod Stewart quote What I do now is all my dad's fault, because he bought me a guitar as a boy, for no apparent reason.
Rod Stewart quote I left it this long because I wanted to get it right this time [on proposing to Penny Lancaster]
Rod Stewart quote I've been lucky with my hair. I couldn't deal with it if I'd run out of barnet. Imagine me with a Bobby Charlton comb over.
Rod Stewart quote One of my daughters was a bit flat-chested, so she had implants and she's got a lovely pair now. I see nothing wrong with it.
Rod Stewart quote Camilla always looks glamorous to me - I can see what he sees in her.
Rod Stewart quote Biography
Ageing musician