Shakira Quotes

Shakira quotations
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I had a big collection of fried eggs that I painted
Shakira quote

On New York: This city sounds like jazz.
Shakira quote

Sometimes I feel that there's a baby inside me that hasn't grown up yet. So Shakira can be a very confusing character.
Shakira quote

I don't like the competition part of soccer. It's a war in short pants. I prefer art.
Competition | Shakira quote

My team and I have reunited two elements that coexist with difficulty: respect and affection, because when they love you they don't respect you and when they respect you they don't love you.
Shakira quote

You have to do everything you can to make your butt stand out. It’s almost a requirement. But for me, I think I have enough to sit on, so it’s fine. I like it as it is. But it’s also a bad thing, because I have to work to keep it hard
Shakira quote


One of the latest Latin Americans to follow J-Lo in making Latino popular

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