Sienna Miller Quotes

Sienna Miller quotations
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Sienna Miller [Autograph]

It's judgement day. I'm nervous. My films are finally being released!
Sienna Miller quote

What is all the fuss? I blame men as they make out it's far more interesting than it is [on her stripping in films]
Sienna Miller quote

I don't keep in shape. I am a lazy cow when it comes to exercising.
Sienna Miller quote

[on having to lose weight] I thought I'll drink vodka instead of wine because it's less calories!
Sienna Miller quote

I'm sorry you're so unhappy as a person that you feel the need to say things that you would never understand [to a paparazzi]
Sienna Miller quote

I don't normally look like a twig and I do eat like a pig but the weight has just dropped off me.
Sienna Miller quote


Successful actress

Sienna Miller Keywords

Actress, Successful
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