Adlai E Stevenson Quotes

Adlai E Stevenson quotations
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Adlai E Stevenson

Flattery is all right so long as you don't inhale.
Adlai E Stevenson quote

Freedom is not an ideal, it is not even a protection, if it means nothing more than the freedom to stagnate.
Adlai E Stevenson quote

Change is inevitable. Change for the better is a full-time job
Adlai E Stevenson quote

Communism is the death of the soul. It is the organization of total conformity - in short, of tyranny - and it is committed to making tyranny universal.
Adlai E Stevenson quote

Every age needs men who will redeem the time by living with a vision of the things that are to be.
Adlai E Stevenson quote

An editor is someone who separates the wheat from the chaff and then prints the chaff.
Adlai E Stevenson quote

Accuracy to a newspaper is what virtue is to a lady; but a newspaper can always print a retraction.
Adlai E Stevenson quote

A hungry man is not a free man.
Adlai E Stevenson quote


He was the grandson of Adlai Ewing Stevenson, who had been vice president

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Vice, President, Stevenson, Ewing, Grandson, Adlai
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