Bob Dylan Quotes

Bob Dylan quotations
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Bob Dylan

A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.
Freedom | Bob Dylan quote

A poem is a naked person... Some people say that I am a poet.
Bob Dylan quote

When asked what his songs were about: Some are about 10 minutes long, others are about 5 or 6.
Bob Dylan quote

Some people have no hope, some people want to be like you, you know? Best to be yourself
Bob Dylan quote

...and there's something on your mind that you wanna be sayin' that somebody, somewhere oughta be hearin'; but it's trapped in your mind, sealed in your head and it bothers you badly when you're layin' in bed' - from Last Thoughts On Woody Guthrie
Bob Dylan quote

I don't think the human mind can comprehend the past and the future. They are both just illusions that can manipulate you into thinking theres some kind of change.
Bob Dylan quote

I have dined with kings, I've been offered wings. And I've never been too impressed.
Bob Dylan quote

I consider myself a poet first and a musician second. I live like a poet and I'll die like a poet.
Bob Dylan quote



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