Sarah Orne Jewett Quotes

Sarah Orne Jewett quotations
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Sarah Orne Jewett

What has made this nation great? Not its heroes but its households.
Sarah Orne Jewett quote

Wrecked on the lee shore of age
Sarah Orne Jewett quote

Tact is after all a kind of mind reading
Sarah Orne Jewett quote

Yes'm, old friends is always best, 'less you can catch a new one that's fit to make an old one out of
Sarah Orne Jewett quote

There was something about the coast of Dunnet which made it seem more attractive than other maritime villages of eastern Maine
Sarah Orne Jewett quote

It is the people who can do nothing who find nothing to do, and the secret to happiness in this world is not only to be useful, but to be forever elevating one's uses
Sarah Orne Jewett quote


Author, lived 1849-1909

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